Description not updated yet


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Updates are usually processed somewhat more quickly than suggestions are reviewed but they are still reviewed by volunteer editors. If the existing description is factually incorrect, then we will usually accept changes to it. Requests to have the title or description changed to something that doesn't meet our guidelines are generally rejected pretty quickly.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Do not assume that a description will be just approved. Most suggested descriptions, the vast majority, are NOT just approved.

If the current description is accurate and complies with the ODP guidelines, then it is very likely no change will be made. If your suggestion "on the face of it, fairly reasonable" (which many aren't), AND it points out an accuracy or compliance issue with the current description, then an editor will probably change the current description -- but by no means necessarily to what you suggest! No, he should look at the site again, see what might have been missed before (particularly keeping in mind what you suggested), and then write his own new description (bearing in mind the facts of the site and the ODP guidelines). But when the new description is written, your suggestion will have already served its purpose--and the editor shouldn't need to take any more account of it at all. Just to emphasize: at that point, all that matters is what's on the website, the ODP guidelines, and the editor's judgment.

So, just by looking at the category, we really can't know whether your suggestion has been reviewed or not. As always, it's just a suggestion; as always, the editor is responsible to the guidelines.


Oct 31, 2006

Thanks for the suggestions of you guys.

The problem is that Old description contains the names of our obsolete products and new description is made more general to avoid any such problems. It's not some spelling or grammar mistake that caused me to update the description. It's serious technical reason that caused me to update the description.

Now, i don't know when volunteer editors will get enough time to just APPROVE the new accurate description. The category where my description is added, has enough Editors Subscriptions. So, i think, there should not be a problem with checking and approving it. Anyways, i'll be still waiting.

Thanks again for you guys to share few words with me.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Well since the servers have been suffering technical issues, editors haven't been able to even log in for a couple of weeks. Until the technical issues are repaired no action could be taken at this point anyway. Correcting errors is important for the majority of us and many editors set updates at a higher priority. If changes are truly needed and you requested an update, it will have alerted the editors and someone will have a look.
Just because the category has a few editors names at the bottom doesn't mean all or any of them are currently working on projects there and it is quite possible another editor who isn't named there may actually process the update request.

Hope that helps.


Oct 31, 2006

Thanks for providing the details. I wish for the technical difficulties to be resolved soon so that editor may work on requests properly.

Have a good day.


Jan 23, 2003
just APPROVE the new accurate description

But in real world terms, that is not how it works.

We will consider a suggested description change by evaluating the current description in terms of how well it matches the actual site content and how well it complies with editing guidelines, and we will consider the content/emphasis of the suggested description as a hint/idea/guide as to what the webmaster/suggester thinks is important.

The writing of descriptions is not a collaborative process. The edtior is solely responsible for writing the description and for its compliance with current editing guidelines.

We've often told suggesters that "we don't do e-mail." To that I would also add: "We don't do rubber stamps, either."
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