Did not get any reply From Dmoz


New Member
Jul 25, 2010
Hello Sir,
My customer has a website <url removed> . I tried to list this site in Right Category in Evening Garment manufacturers from India. In this category there are sites relating to our category. I have followed all the rules for listing my website but i did not get any response it is now more than 1 month.

Looking forward to hear from you sir.What more have to be done.Is there is listing fee.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
You seem to have misunderstood what DMOZ is and how it works.

> I tried to list this site in Right Category
You can not list a website. You can't even try to list a website.
You only can suggest a website for an editor to look at.
Sometime in the future an editor will look at the suggestion and decide of we want to list it.
When that will be is something nobody knows. It could be in a few days, it could also be after several years.

> but i did not get any response it is now more than 1 month.
The only response you will get is on screen directly after you completed the suggestion.
No other reponse will be send. Not when the website is listed and not when it is rejected.

> What more have to be done.Is there is listing fee.

No, by suggesting the website you have done everything that can be done.
DMOZ is totaly free. Never is a fee asked.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.