Different sections, what category?


Dec 6, 2005
Hi, I am about to submit http://www.webpelican.com/, but I am having troubles finding the
correct category.

This is a site where I put my Internet and Web related programming assignments with solutions as a student at the Department of Computer
and System Sciences, Sweden. I also have some Web tutorials and

The site has these sections:

Internet Programming 1(Basic Java Socket programming)
Internet Programming 2(Server-side with Java Servlets)
Internet Programming 3(Client-side with XHTML, CSS, etc...)
XHTML and CSS Tutorials
Site design Tools
(So far only a color palette tool in this category)

I know I should submit my top level URL to the most
specific category, but I can't seem to find a category even close for
a site about programming with Java on the server- and client -side, and
at the same time being proper for more Web page specific features such as XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Media Types, etc...

So far I have tried searching the DMOZ directory, Google and other search engines with keywords from the diffrent sub sections of my site and viewed
the category listings in DMOZ of those site coming up in the SERPS.

The result I have got from those searches are big and famous sites like sitepoint.com, webreference.com, webdeveloper etc..., and all these site have multiple listing with their top level URL in categories suitible for
sites featring forums and articles, which my site don't.

I am not sure if my questions are to specific to my site for you to answer them. If so, please try and give a more general answer about how to submit a site with sections that together doesn't fit a single category.

Should one for example consider diffrent domains or subdomains for each

Or should one submit only 1 of a sites sections to a category and skip the
other sections?

Best Regards

Martin Carlsson


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
One should read the submittal policy. One site (or one member of a collection of related sites) -- one submittal.

"Exceptionally" big, famous (and content-rich) sites containing many years' effort by a large group of people renowned for their skills and achievements, such as the ones you mention may be listed multiple times by editors. And there are a few -- one in a thousand, perhaps -- single-person sites with multiple listings. Not because they submitted multiple times (which would have been more likely to get them rejected out of hand and even removed!) -- because those sites' reputation and quality made them first stops for editors who were building up authoritative, reliable information on specific topics.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Pick a the most specific category that's general enough to cover "most" of the content.

If editors know of a better fit, we can move the suggestion there.


Dec 6, 2005
Thanks for the response.

I have some trouble choosing a category that cover "most" of my site since about 1/3 of the content is about client-side programming and markup featuring JavaScript and different modules of XHTML and how to style pages with CSS.

Another 1/3 is about server-side scripting featuring Java Servlets

Yet another 1/3 is about socket programming with Java

And I have tried searching for a
category "most" common to "most" of the content, but there really is noone to find.

Should I choose a category about client-side featuring XHTML and JavaScript...etc since that would cover 1/3 of the content of the site?


Should I choose a category about Socket programming since that cover 1/3
of the site content?


Should I choose a site about server-side featuring Servlets since that cover
about 1/3 of the content.

The only category I have that is general enough to have something common for all the sections are:


But when I look at the sites listed here I see that all of them
are kind of big, and most of them. Besides not all my site is about
Internet applications as the category description say. Some part
of the site(1/3) is about Web applications and another about part about
markup with XHTML, CSS...

Another one close to being general for all sections are:


However, this second category doesn't have much to do with programming, and it is for beginners. My site does have alot of beginner content(especially the Internet Programming 3 section with XHTML, CSS, JavaScript...), but some of the other Internet programming courses are kind of advanced.

Futhermore, I plan to upload my next course(Internet Programming 4) soon. This course is the most advanced of the Internet programming courses handling advanced XML programming with Java and distributed programming with techniques such as RMI(Remote method invocation).

Right know I am thinking about this category I mentioned above:


I would like to be more specific like:


but this category has no description

Best Regards

Martin Carlsson


Dec 6, 2005
I belive ur right. Thank you very much, you saved me alot of time.

I have two more question though:

When looking at the category description it does't say anything about
having your name at the beginning of the title, but most of the sites listed
in this category do.

Also, since this category doesn't have an Editor yet, will I get old before I get listed?:) Ok, I know it is impossible to answer how long it will take, but to rephrase it more general: "Does it take longer time if a category doesn't have
an Editor, or will it be found somehow and sent to the Editor in the category above"?
And, if so, what category would that be? The Internet category doesn't seem to be sumbittible.

Once again, thanks.

Best Regards

Martin Carlsson


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Yes, try to follow the titling used in the category already if you can.

RE: your second question, our FAQ (see link at top of page) should answer the question. Suggest your site to the most appropriate category -- don't worry about whether or not it has a listed editor and don't suggest your site to a different category just because it has a listed editor.
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