Disgusting comments by an editor



I find it somewhat disgusting the comments I received from an editor about my site.

I was not asking for personal feedback regarding my listing...just wanted to know the status.

Why would this editor launch into an attack like this?
I did not say anything about the quality of my site, all that I did was follow the guidelines for Site Submission Reivew?

----- > "....maybe five years ago this would have been considered "significant unique content", but not any more, not by an order of magnitude at least. Like all small unfocused commercial directories, it fragments the available content, fog on the internet, making it harder for the surfer to find information.

In fact, it's a net debit from the sum of human knowledge.

This isn't a specific site review -- this kind of analysis applies to all directories that share its weaknesses."


Apr 15, 2003
Actually you asked for the status and were given an answer. But then you wanted more answers since you asked:

Could this be a reason is hasnt been accepted to the main category in a number of years?

And you got an answer to that, which you did not like, then you became abusive and made unproven allegations about corruption using inflamatory language.

Read the thread and see.
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