Dmoz and Member Pages


May 9, 2006
I have seen alot of member pages making it to Dmoz and I have found a some that have been deleted.

I can understand were this would be extra work for editors as well.

And before taking this into account I under took an added a extra feature on my car site called members.bla.bla you know what I mean

so a person can have a page at

This is so people with out web skills sell cars or having car sites can have web pages with out a domain.

Hemmings is real big and I know money gets away with alot, and I have seen member pages from hemmings listed in Dmoz as well, and un policed and dead linked by Hemmings only to be replaces the the hemmings logo.

Would this be a big issue since I have already incorporated the software to do this for my members, or will this get my site even further unreviewed or banned, what ever it may be called today.

And if members submit pages or pages are picked up by dmoz will this prevent "my site" being the main body from ever getting a listing. Your rules are kinda veg on this issue and un clear.

if so I could set the noindex for dmoz I know of at least one engine if not more that will obeay this rule if set in the meta tags

google, yahoo, msn, aol, excite and many others do it as well


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
The hosting arrangements and web design skills of the author* play no part in the review process. (* unless the site design is so poor that it become unusable and the reviewer can't access the content).

What we call a "site" is more or less independent of the domain(s) used. One site can be spread over many domains. One domain can host many sites.

If you know of a group of sites which are returning errors that our tools are not picking up on, we'd love to hear more details. Traditional 404 errors are easy to spot. Other custom errors require more work to detect.


May 9, 2006
Well chaos127 I think you know from some of my post I find bad sites and report them all the time I just reported another four.

If any of the members pages of my site get listed and vanish. I will be reporting them at once for removal, as they will serve not purpose to me or any one else.

So what I think your saying is sites having member pages are ok and this will not effect the main sites visibility for review and listing.


May 9, 2006
I am going to have an banner on the page to the left for the car site on every ones page and every page must be related to the automotive industry, as I am giving them a free web page.

They will be spared the pops up as I hate them tremendously my self.

If this going to be a problem let me know, I am only interested in generating good content.

If they dont want an ad on the page they can pay, and register a domain of there own and host it with the hosting company of there choice.

Other then that they are free to do what ever they wish with the page.


Jan 13, 2004
timamie261 said:
Hemmings is real big and I know money gets away with alot
ODP does not allow bribing of editors, therefore money is not an influence on listings. The other factors mentioned by chaos127, however, DO have an influence.

If you believe there is evidence of bribing or other impropriety, you can file a public abuse report and it will be investigated.


May 9, 2006
Dont worry when your abuse page is up I will be reporting one such editor.

I have been pasting the sites and information to my One notes as i go and find this stuff.

secound I guess I found the answer to my own question

CaterPillars of the Community - Atlanta and Auburn based group. With biographies, song clips, performance schedule, and CD information.
-- Arts: Music: Styles: R: Rock: Jam: Bands and Artists: C (1)

The above link is like what I am doing, and only on the left side and users can link back to there personal car ads only or other sites and must supply non copyrighted materials.

Thanks chaos127 for the link and helping in this issue,
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