dmoz directory and help for sites

4D Sports

Jan 21, 2006
Dear Dmoz,

I am a site owner and I'm trying to get my site listed in dmoz directory. I am not asking for submission status or anything regarding my status as I know this is now not permitted. I have decided to follow other methods of submission status. My concern is simply it is impossible to get listed in Dmoz directory. My understanding was that this forum was a guide/help/support but recently noted that the forum will not accept the main issue regarding submission status queries which basically is a huge area of concern from site owners. If you are independent from Dmoz you only have to read the threads the same question comes up in nearlly every category on forum. I have reviewed editor replies and really don't think the answers provided are at any help. I understand you are volunteers and are holding a full time job aswell as family but you should understand from our point of view our reasons for concern. I amongst several others, hundreds have been trying for several years to no avail. I am told that the only possible method is to go through a professional site optimisation company who personally know members of Dmoz. Can you confirm this is true?

4D Sports

Jan 21, 2006
Note to Editors

Please note I am not discussing my site submission status or individual site submission status I am generally speaking regarding the process and the mention of my personal status is purley related to my end statement for which I was advised by several different reputable web design organisations. I would be grateful is my thread is not deleted as I feel no rules have been breached.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
4D said:
I have decided to follow other methods of submission status.
There are no (other) ways to ask for status.

4D said:
My concern is simply it is impossible to get listed in Dmoz directory.
Certainly not. Each day around 1000 sites are added to the directory.

4D said:
My understanding was that this forum was a guide/help/support but recently noted that the forum will not accept the main issue regarding submission status queries which basically is a huge area of concern from site owners.
It shouldn't be. The only thing you have to do is suggest a site (after you have read the guidelines). Nothing more.

4D said:
If you are independent from Dmoz you only have to read the threads the same question comes up in nearlly every category on forum. I have reviewed editor replies and really don't think the answers provided are at any help.
When we were answering status requests the answers were also of no help so nothing has changed.

4D said:
I understand you are volunteers and are holding a full time job aswell as family but you should understand from our point of view our reasons for concern. I amongst several others, hundreds have been trying for several years to no avail.
That is impossible. There is nothing to try. As has been said many times: suggest your site to the one best category and forget about it. You can do nothing more.
And as we don't provide any service to webmasters there should be no reason for concern.

4D said:
I am told that the only possible method is to go through a professional site optimisation company who personally know members of Dmoz. Can you confirm this is true?
This is certainly not the case. And if a SEO company and/or editor is doing this it could cause you major harm. It is seen as editor abuse and when noticed will get the editor removed and very probably all sites he has added because of such requests will also be removed and banned.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Much of what you say is true. The ODP is set up to serve surfers, not webmasters. That is a unique calling among large directories. And the expected results are ... very similar to what you see.

It's not a problem.
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