Dmoz human ?


May 4, 2005
I would like to know how can we be sure that there is editor for some categories, i understand that all the editors are giving their time for free, but your not the only one to give away free time i volunteer for the red cross 10 hours a week, and that not let me beeing rude with poeple asking me when we will be able to send them food or money so they can proceed with their humanity project in Africa. I think in lower side it's about the same here... And to build the best human directory you have to act Human and not like machine by copy pasting answers on the forum. I did some research [url removed] and seems like theirs is a lot of corrupted Editors that considers only the sites where people give money first ???? Is that true ? Do we have to pay first ? And that's why i have 3 sites that are not dmoz since almost a year now ? Do editors have so much to do with their corruption so the cannot consider the other sites ? Please tell me i'am wrong !!! Please let that human directory be more human !!! I know this post will make some waves but guys do something the image of dmoz is not doing so well... (excuse my english i'am french)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
mobilito said:
Please tell me i'am wrong !!!
Yes. You are wrong.
I won't say there aren't any bad editors. There have been, there will be in the future and very probably there are some right now which we didn't dicover yet. But these are only a very small amount of all editors spending there time on DMOZ.

Just don't believe everything you read about DMOZ. Most of the times these postings are of bad editors who were discovered and thrown out or of spammers who can not get their sites listed (reason: these sites don't comply to the DMOZ guidelines).

For all other and honest website owners (and in my opinion most website owners are honest): you will just have to wait. We have to deal with a lot of spam (last I have seen is that 50 to 60% of all suggestions are spam, with peeks in some categories up to almost 100%). We spend (waist) a lot of time checking out these spam sites which we would much more like to spend on the honest sites. But we must look carefully look at all suggestions because we need to be sure it is not spam. Every honest site which complies to our guidelines will be listed someday. We just can not predict when this will be. I would like to give you an other story but this is reality.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Sorry for changing your posting, but we don't like advertising sites like that. There are a lot of people trying to make the ODP look like the majority of editors are bad, so is the owner of that site.

Even if you are annoyed by reading standard posting, you should check the FAQ at the top left of this forum. There are lots of answers to your questions.


Mar 8, 2004
As for the site you mentioned:
Next week I will show you how DMOZ editors are spam reporting your sites to Google.
I'd like to know how to do that. As far as I know, Google doesn't listen to DMOZ staff, not to mention individual editors. (You may notice also that he says he/she will report something "next week", but the last message is over a month ago.)

If you're more familiar speaking French, you may use the Français forum.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Everything you read on the net is true - right?

Meanwhile, back in the real world, please read our FAQ to find out what happens when a category has no named editor.

<added> Blimey! Beaten to the draw by three others :) </added>
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