Dmoz Listing


Mar 5, 2007
I have submitted <URL deleted> in an appropriate category of Micosoft Sharepoint yet its still not enlisted. How is it possible? Its not a spammy website but a serious portal dedicated to sharepoint solution.

Dmoz editor for this category needs to accept this.


Apr 5, 2004
We do not discuss specific site suggestions here, and ODP is not a listing service for webmasters.
Please see "About the ODP" and the Forum FAQ if you would like to understand more about how the directory works. :)


Nov 16, 2006
Some Editors must be corrupt!

makrhod said:
We do not discuss specific site suggestions here, and ODP is not a listing service for webmasters.
Please see "About the ODP" and the Forum FAQ if you would like to understand more about how the directory works. :)

I am now convinced thgat DMOZ editors are corrupt! I have been listed at DMOZ before ( <url removed>) and know for a fact there is no reason why my listing was removed about 18 months ago.... since then I re-submitted it a few times and it is still not listed. The editor involved in my listing must be the owner of a competition site - bottom line!

I have seen a few articles and newsletters since I got involved with the Internet making this kind of statement...but today I am convinced those corruption alegations are true!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Do you always believe everything you read on the Internet? ;)

There are a number of legitimate reasons why a site that was listed is no longer listed, including:

(1) It was originally listed by mistake and that mistake was discovered and corrected.
(2) It was listable when it was first listed but no longer meets the requirements for listing and so was removed.
(3) It was listed in the wrong category originally and was moved to the right category for rereview.
(4) It was unavailable when an editor reviewed it or triggered an error when one of our automatic link checkers checked it and so it was unreviewed temporarily.

If it was 3 or 4, then an editor will eventually rereview it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It is extremely difficult to create a portal site that doesn't subtract value from the internet: there's only so much content. But there is no limit on the number of spammers looking to collect ad revenue on someone else's content. And "portals" (or "doorways" or "online malls" or "directories" or whatever the link farms are called this week) are one of the standard spammer strategies.

Which also means it's extremely difficult to create a portal site that doesn't look like viscious spam.

And it also means it's extremely difficult to REVIEW a self-proclaimed "portal" site.

And it's usually not worth anything to review it.

Do you see the problem? Lots of hard work for the volunteers, no feeling of accomplishment for the volunteers....means, mostly, the volunteers do something else that's easier and more valuable.

For website owners who DO know the subject and AREN'T trying to spam, the solution is simple: create the content. A little unique content from a topical expert is MUCH better than yet another redundant set of links. There's nothing wrong with including links to another site. But the core of YOUR site is YOU--what YOU know, what happened to YOU, where YOU'VE been, what YOU'VE done now, and what YOU'D do for money. And, actually, until they know there's a you that has known and done and been, people shouldn't trust you to direct them to the good content anyway.

So start by doing the personal part of the site, then when you have a personal reputation, your recommendations to OTHER persons' sites might be worth something to someone. (But not until then!) And if you want someone else to look at your site, say "this is what I know about".

And when you want an ODP editor to review a site, don't say, "I'm deathly afraid my potential customers can be fully served by my competitors." Because that just tells everyone you wouldn't be missed. Say "A significant portion of my site doesn't HAVE any competitors." And make sure visitors can find that part easily.
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