DMOZ still listing suggesting url in their category?

Ginny Bhatia

New Member
Jun 15, 2015
I am currently in a dilemma that DMOZ still listing suggesting url in their category or not(stop listing)?
If Yes then why it takes so long time to get listed?
Why many sites get unlisted?
Today i send my Cogneesol website in Outsourcing- Business Process category now I want to know that
How much time it takes to get reviewed?


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
That's a few questions in one ;)
When you suggest a URL, it's stored in pool in the category until an editor reviews it - newer suggestions of a same site overwrite older ones, and reset the date, one reason why ignoring our guidelines to suggest the site once only to the best category is counter-productive (many editors sort the suggestions by date).
Already listed sites are unlisted for a variety of reasons, including that our link-checking robots have found them to be unresponsive over a considerable period of time (weeks); that the content of the site has changed radically, making it un-listable in the category or even the entire directory; that an editor has decided it fits better in another category and is moving it, etc.
The time to have a suggestion reviewed is extremely variable - from days to years, as it depends on if a hobbyist editor is present and active in the category concerned, and volunteers his/her time on the project to review suggestions (we aren't actually obliged to, but most editors do).
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.