DMOZ submission Page is NOT working!!


Sep 24, 2008
I recently tried to add a couple of my sites.. 40 of them to be exact to the submission page on DMOZ. For some reason after you enter all the information, then enter the captcha image, it sends you to another screen asking you to resend the image information. Does anyone know what is going on with this or how to correctly add all of your sites to the DMOZ directory?


Sep 24, 2008
is the submission system down?

I have just gotten an email back from a couple of my friends that are site owners as well. They have had the same results as me. They enter the url, all the required information, enter the captcha, and then hit submit. once they hit submit, it takes them to a screen asking them to submit the image. Same kind of error I am getting. We have not seen any sort of confirmation page. Can someone please explain?


Apr 5, 2004
I recently tried to add a couple of my sites.. 40 of them to be exact to the submission page on DMOZ.
I'm not sure if there is currently a problem with the site suggestion process, but while waiting for a more definitive response I suggest reading the following vital information about site suggestions (with my emphasis):
Step One

Determine whether a site is appropriate for submission to the ODP:
  • Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs.
  • Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.


Sep 24, 2008
all of my sites are different!!

each one of my sites are totally different. they are about totally different things!!
the problem isnt the submission process. The problem me and a couple of friends are all having is the fact that after we hit the submit button, instead of it taking to a confirmation "thank you" page, it plainly just tells us to resubmit the image information again. this has happened everytime myself, or any of my friends have tried to submit their sites! Apparently, the captcha isnt working correctly, or the sites are actually being submitted and its just sending us to the wrong page. Can someone tell me if they have seen this before and how to fix that?
again, my sites are not mirror sites with related content. I will admit they are all on automobiles, but entirely different sites!!!


Jan 23, 2003
I'm going to take a wild guess here....they are all automotive related.

A Chevy website, and a Buick website and a Honda website are all the same thing in the eyes of the editor community. Just like sites for black shoes, brown shoes, red shoes and white shoes would all be considered fraternal websites, even though the content is different.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
..and to answer the original question, the listing suggestion process has just worked fine for me.

The behaviour that the OP is experiencing is what happens if you hit the Get New Text button instead of the Submit button at the bottom of the page (or get the text wrong of course).


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
kojakstoy26 said:
The problem me and a couple of friends are all having is the fact that after we hit the submit button, instead of it taking to a confirmation "thank you" page, it plainly just tells us to resubmit the image information again. this has happened everytime myself, or any of my friends have tried to submit their sites! Apparently, the captcha isnt working correctly, or the sites are actually being submitted and its just sending us to the wrong page. Can someone tell me if they have seen this before and how to fix that?

You get that page when you enetered the wrong captcha code.
You will have to refresh the suggest page and start the proces from the beginning. Do not just go back to the suggest page and enter the correct captcha code, it will not be recognised. You must start with a blank page, refresh the page will do the trick.

BTW Suggesting more than one site from the same owner about the same or related subjects is against our guidelines.
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