DmoZ Submission


Nov 18, 2005
Hi, i have been trying to get my site listed in the dmoz for almost 5months now. I have followed all the rules and instructions for submitting the site but for some reason it's not being let it. why i'm not being allowed in. Please can someone shed some light? Email me for info on my site(



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
If, as you say, the site is up to listing standards, there is no particular reason to believe that it's been denied a listing. The overwhelmingly most likely thing to have happened is that nobody has reviewed it yet. When you say you have tried to get it listed for 5 months, do you mean that you've suggested it several times over the last five months? If you have, please stop suggesting it. A site suggestion doesn't go away until it's been reviewed, and I'm afraid that sending it to us again constitutes spamming. (We do recognise the difference between conscious malicious spamming and human error.)

There is more information in the FAQ here at resource-zone, and in . Many people find the text "it may take up to 2 weeks or more for your site to be reviewed" slightly confusing: "and more" doesn't mean "a few more days or weeks" but rather "several years", depending on the category, not to mention the editorial activity and other unpredictable things.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
How does a site get into DMOZ?

First, an editor must feel that the ODP needs more of that kind of sites. (This feeling is what makes surfers into editors, but there are lots of kinds of sites, and no telling what any particular editor will be looking for next.) You can't predict when this will happen, and you can't control it. (So if a site is waiting here, it is nothing you did.)

Second, an editor must be able to find the site. (Your site suggestion is intended to accomplish this.)

Third, the site must be "a likely candidate", that is, wherever he finds it, of all the sites remaining to be reviewed, it looks like the one most likely to be added. (This is largely random, since editors can't judge probabilities that well. Eventually we review most of the candidates including all suggested sites.) You can influence (not control!) this by writing a professional description, and suggesting the site to the best category.

Fourth, the site should be listable. It must have significant unique content. For user-supplied aggregated-content sites, the bar here is VERY high, and I'd bet 100 to 1 against any particular site. If a site is not high in the top 1% of all "classified ads" sites, then the user is better off not knowing about it -- and that is the only factor that matters.
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