DMOZ Year In Review


Curlie Meta
Sep 25, 2007
This has been a year of rebuilding and change for DMOZ. In the wake of the 2006 outage, a new team was assembled at AOL to ensure that the directory received the attention and support that it deserved. In 2008, this team continued the process of rebuilding both the technical infrastructure and the trust of the editor community, as well as taking a fresh new look at how DMOZ could gain additional exposure for the project by partnering with our other corporate properties.

We began to see these efforts pay off in 2008. Engineers from AOL's Beijing office have been working tirelessly to rebuild and modernize the DMOZ infrastructure to support greater flexibility and growth of the next phase of the ODP. The staff team has worked hard to create a more open line of communication with the editors as well as to improve transparency between the DMOZ community and the public via this blog. While it will take time to overcome the understandable mistrust of the past, this first step has been very positive. And finally, we've worked to raise awareness of the directory within AOL and we've got several exciting new projects underway that will help improve the user experience for our very diverse group of users. We look forward to sharing more information about these as they get closer to launch.

So, at the end of a year that had a decidedly rocky start, we're happy to say that DMOZ is very much alive and well. It's been a very busy year with a lot of positive momentum, and I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we're very grateful to our editors for their continued hard work. We're looking forward to a very productive and exciting 2009.
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