DMOZs power to shape the web


May 5, 2004
I do not believe any party can argue there are any more powerful directory and linking authorities than the DMOZ project. This gives DMOZ the ability to shape the web.

Having a link in the directory can be the difference between success and failure for many websites. DMOZ editors have the authority to weed out the bad web sites and allow them to succeed while filtering out the websites with shady practices.

This introduces the possibility for the trickle down effect. Sites that adhere to the DMOZ guidelines are successful. In turn, webmasters will try to design sites in accordance with the guidelines producing a more coherent web.

This being said, I would like to hear some of the editors opinions on this effect. Obviously, it is oversimplified, but as editors do you believe this argument is accurate?


Mar 25, 2002
So your idea is that because we set standards of usefulness for the end-user, and do not list sites that we do not consider useful, we might encourage webmasters to produce sites that are useful to the end-user?


If we ARE such a force, then I would consider that a Good Thing.

Whether we are or not is open for debate, of course. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I also agree that this proposal falls into the realm of the theological treatise: the ODP as god (or alternatively demon) with a side order of apocryphal creed.

We have our True List of Shady Practices (also called the Submittal Policies), but like some other moral standards I can think of, they are more breached than honored.

I'd personally like to use your proposal to eliminate the Catholic Order categories altogether -- talk about your shady practices! -- but I fear there are preliminary pragmatic difficulties that I haven't yet been able to solve.


May 26, 2002
If anything, many people want to be listed in the ODP, so badly, that they will put together any old pile of junk, copy it to dozens of domains, and submit it all over the place.

Exactly the opposite of what you suggest.


Apr 15, 2004
If anything, many people want to be listed in the ODP, so badly, that they will put together any old pile of junk, copy it to dozens of domains, and submit it all over the place.

Exactly the opposite of what you suggest.

Who is stupid enough to think that they can put a 1 page site with no conetent on it and expect to get on Dmoz...And if they think the editors are stupid...they don't appear stupid....I think...

Anyways, I would have to disagree with that statement....of course you probaly have proof to backup that...

P.S. Dmoz won't the "Directory Authority" for long...That's all I'm's a top secret project... :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Who is stupid enough to think that they can put a 1 page site with no conetent on it and expect to get on Dmoz...And if they think the editors are stupid...they don't appear stupid....I think...

What you say seems reasonable to me, but I am bound to admit that there are thousands of people who seem to disagree.

And you exaggerate a bit: the actual neural process (I hesitate to call it "thought") seems to go "One page? a whole unique page? No need to go overboard like that, I'll just clone"


Apr 15, 2004
It's a real bummer people do that thou...because some people do get away with having other people's content...and get a listing on Dmoz...

Then there are people like me who write every day and create high quality content (I already have over 60 reviews)...

The thing is, someone may spend a ton of time writing everything himself, while one person may steal other people's content and have a site done in a few's just sad.

Oh Well...

P.S. You realy should make it so people must have original content...I don't like that people can use content other than their own and get in...One thing for sure...the Super Secret Project That will overrule Dmoz in popularity and qaulity will only accpet sites with original content...or atleast try...


Jan 23, 2003
Are you up for a little challenge? :D :D :D

Pick a number between 10 and 50.

Got it? :D

OK, now go find that many sites in our directory with no original content, and report them in the abuse forum in the "report them here" thread at the very top.

If you can find that many, and help us weed them out, you will accomplish two things: you will have helped the ODP directory and, you'll have gained some real world experience for the super sekret non-guvm't project. :D :D


Apr 15, 2004
That shoulden't be too hard...I'll be back in 10 minutes with at least 10 sites...I already know some at the top of my head...

P.S. Mousetrap...What do you mean lol.

P.S.2. My "Super Scret Project" editors and staff are extremly picky ;)

EDIT: Ahhh, I can't find that catagory. There was this one catagory that had a whole bunch of off topic sites...and the sites were like "Mature" sites. Bobart may know, since I mentioned it in a PM I sent to him...but I don't know if I told him what catagory.

EDIT2: Well, I am realy tired...bed time for me. I will find that catagory with all those bad sites...All I remember is I was looking for things to review and cam accross that catagory...Maybe Bobart will know, because I think I told him.

EDIT3: Bobrat won't know afterall, I found all my sent messages, and all I coudl remember then was that I found that catagory in computers...I'll find it...I think...
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