Do I get any confirmation when my sites are being reviewed?


Aug 20, 2006
Dear Editors,

Some months ago I submitted two sites for inclusion in the directory. Since then I have not heard anything. I am aware that it can take some time to have sites reviewed and included in the directory but I don't know where to look to see the stage they are at.

I have 2 questions.

1. If either of my sites are rejected (or accepted, for that matter), will I get an email or some other form of notification? OK. Since I posted this I HAVE found the answer. It being that I won't have any confirmation one way or another. It does, however, have an effect on my second question.

2. I am aware that one should not, in general, re-submit sites, but is there a period of time after which it is suitable to re-submit a site, just in case it has 'fallen off the table' or been rejected? If the site has been rejected by an editor, but I believe it is a valid site for inclusion, it should be OK for me to re-submit. However, with the answer being to question 1, I will not receive any confirmation to tell me it has been rejected, how do I know when it is suitable to re-submit (without causing unecessary duplicate entries and spoiling my chance of getting listed in the first place)?

Sorry to bother you, but I just can't find anything on these that helps me (mind you, that's probably just me).

Hope you can help.

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