Do I need a tag


Hi all,
I don't know whether I am posting in the right section.
I have just registered. I am an ISP rep. and I wondered if I should ask for a tag.
P Coe.


I honestly cannot guess at what you are asking. Registered where? In this forum? Tag for what? ISP Rep, what's that?

Please elucidate.


Apr 15, 2003
I make a guess by tag - you mean your id in this forum - it's

I'll make another guess. If you want to ask for the status on your site submission, you must post in the Site Submission Status section and follow without exception the rules in

[readme]Please read the guidelines[/readme]


May 26, 2002
I think I can translate that:

>> I have just registered.

... at Resource Zone. Obvious! It is his first post.

>> I am an ISP rep.

He says that he is the representative for an Internet Service Provider. I assume the one from the user name.

>> and I wondered if I should ask for a tag.

He has seen that at some other forums, that there are reps. from some companies online, and they have "Rep" or somesuch (instead of just plain "member") under their name. I have seen a forum where JoeAnt, GoGuides, and so on have official reps posting there. He has probably also seen the "member to editor" thread here, and is asking whether as a "rep" he needs to apply for something other than plain "member" too (the answer to that is "no", by the way).

This forum is for people who have submitted websites to the Open Directory Project at for consideration of being listed. The forum is visited by submitters (identified as "member") and editors (identified by their editor type). There is no other member classification here for ISP reps, SEO marketroids, or search engine employees, federal or governmental people, the United Nations, or sentient beings from another dimension.

Ah, Shoot. I've been reading for too much Hutcheson to be good for me.

giz said:
I think I can translate that:

>> I have just registered.

... at Resource Zone. Obvious! It is his first post.

>> I am an ISP rep.

He says that he is the representative for an Internet Service Provider. I assume the one from the user name.

>> and I wondered if I should ask for a tag.

He has seen that at some other forums, that there are reps. from some companies online, and they have "Rep" or somesuch (instead of just plain "member") under their name. I have seen a forum where JoeAnt, GoGuides, and so on have official reps posting there. He has probably also seen the "member to editor" thread here, and is asking whether as a "rep" he needs to apply for something other than plain "member" too (the answer to that is "no", by the way).

This forum is for people who have submitted websites to the Open Directory Project at for consideration of being listed. The forum is visited by submitters (identified as "member") and editors (identified by their editor type). There is no other member classification here for ISP reps, SEO marketroids, or search engine employees, federal or governmental people, the United Nations, or sentient beings from another dimension.

Ah, Shoot. I've been reading for too much Hutcheson to be good for me.
That is correct. Thanks for the post, it is all clear to me now, that no tag is needed.
I did submit our site to the Open Directory and still waiting for the outcome.
By the way, it is not 'He', it is 'She'
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