Do identical pages disqualify my site?


May 25, 2005
Long story, pith's in bold:
I did my site to tell people how to recognize some warning signs of low B12 that appear in fingernails. But, having some brain damage, I had to use a really easy program, which Yahoo's SiteBuilder was.

Except, that in the beginning there were some major bugs: if I corrected one misspelled word, all my pages became unformatted.

So I redid my original ten pages dozen and dozens of time, and somehow I ended up with a parallel site in "new_folder" - I did not realize "new_folder" was a generic thing.

the other day a really nice editor at another directory wasn't going to list my site because he couldn't find the reciprocal link... so I explained that I'd put it on the the page where there were the most hits. (early on I gave out cards with the site on them.)

He said if there were two, identical pages that my site would get totally dinged and never get anywhere, which he said he sadly knew from experience.

So I tried to undo it but that weirded out my site in a rather scary way since I now have a million pages about being abused by IRS....

Will my site truly never get into DMOZ because of this?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
DMOZ doesn't care about reciprocal links and as long as the unique content on your site is easily found by the reviewing editor, that's all that really matters.


May 25, 2005
motsa said:
DMOZ doesn't care about reciprocal links and as long as the unique content on your site is easily found by the reviewing editor, that's all that really matters.
Hi, thanks Good Witch

I knew it wasn't a DMOZ editor who wrote me about reciprocal links,
what scared me was that I have a page titled, "Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Fingernails" in two different places because of the "new_folder" thing -- the two pages aren't genuinely "identical" but they have the same info on them.

I'm feeling pretty happy because I think you said that doesn't matter. Whew.
I was so worried, and my efforts to fix it were making more of a mess than simplifying.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!


May 25, 2005
I am saddened to see that my signature has been deleted.

I feel that if I spend the time contributing to your forum, then it is a simple curtesy to allow my signature.

I will not be coming here again.

I feel that having my signture removed, and not allowing signatures, is an affront.

I can understand the three year wait to get into DMOZ, but I cannot understand this. There are signatures here, which is why I thought it was all right.

Is this a White lunch counter, then?
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