Do prior submissions count?



Generally speaking, if someone submits a number of sites to ODP before, and possibly even after, applying to be an editor, are those submissions factored in when deciding to accept/reject an application?

Let me provide an example. I love the idea behind ODP. I also happen to be a big fan of the rock band Widget. I note that there are only a couple of sites listed in ODP and the category hasn't been updated in months. So, I find half a dozen or so good sites for the category Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/W/Widget. Time passes and the sites are not added. I know the descriptions are good because I read the guidelines. Even if they're not, the sites are comprehensive and unique and should be included. So, I decide that the only way that the Widget category is going to get better is if I do it.

So, I apply, providing three more good sites for the category. Someone gets to my editor application, checks out the category and says "Hey, there's a lot of good sites submitted here with the same e-mail address."

Or is the reviewer going to say "My goodness, look at all these unreviewed. I can't give this guy this category." ?

Or are there just too many applications to spend that kind of time?

I'm only looking for general information, nothing specific.


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Not really considered unless we notice and then it would be a positive not a negative usually. Also categories with a lot of unreviewed need help, so that would be a reason to get an editor not to reject one.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Agree that if you've been submitting good sites, it's a positive. Also agree it might not be noticed.

So mention it in the application. "I've been submitting sites on this subject from e-mail address" Then it'll be noticed.

It's like any volunteer organization -- you give good help, they want more of your help. Submitting good sites to the right category is good help.
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