Do rejected sites get notified?


Sep 5, 2007
I submitted a site a few months ago and haven't heard anything. Does this mean that the submission is still in the queue or could it have been rejected? If it has been rejected would I have received notification?

Also, the category to which I am posting has a 'volunteer to edit' notice at the bottom. Does this mean that the category has no editor at the moment?


Oct 29, 2006
haven't heard anything. Does this mean that the submission is still in the queue
If you don't see it listed yet, the most likely answer is no one has looked at it yet. Suggestions don't 'expire', they stay in the pool of suggested sites until someone reviews it.
could it have been rejected?
Could have been, but most likely not yet reviewed.
If it has been rejected would I have received notification?
Also, the category to which I am posting has a 'volunteer to edit' notice at the bottom. Does this mean that the category has no editor at the moment?
It means that there is no editor specifically dealing with that category, but any editor at a higher level can edit in the category as can several hundred editors that can edit directory wide. No category is abandoned, some just suffer from neglect for periods of time (with 600,000 categories they can't all be dealt with in short time frames, editors prioritise what they want to work on).


Sep 5, 2007
Is it worth contacting an editor higher up?

gimmster said:
It means that there is no editor specifically dealing with that category, but any editor at a higher level can edit in the category as can several hundred editors that can edit directory wide. No category is abandoned, some just suffer from neglect for periods of time (with 600,000 categories they can't all be dealt with in short time frames, editors prioritise what they want to work on).

The first category that I can find with an editor is two levels higher than the category I need to be in. I know these guys are all volunteers and will be busy enough already. Is it worth contacting them directly and if so, how long is reasonable to wait before I do?

I waited six months from first submission before trying again.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Few editors would adjust their priorities or expedite processing a listing suggestion because an anxious site owner had contacted them. If they did, word would get out and they'd soon be swamped by a clamouring of webmasters, all claiming that their websites are the most important :).

Best thing to do is concentrate your efforts on other means of promotion - an ODP listing will happen when it happens.


Sep 6, 2007
Sorry but i have to ask this, do editors of DMOZ not realise how "annoying" the submit and leave for ever suggestion is becomming? Surely by now it must have been realised that web owners etc would like a little more info/help about there submission yet all they get is submit and see....its ok if you are an editor to say that and i respect everyones opinion but seriously its not really good enough it is....?


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
I think I'll put my webmaster hat on to answer the question:
Yes, it is very annoying not to have an individual countdown timer for each suggestion made - rather like waiting in casualty...
I suggested my own site well over three years ago, and got so frustrated I decided to do something about it...
It's still not listed, but several thousand others are ;)


Curlie Meta
Sep 5, 2007
Elper said:
I think I'll put my webmaster hat on to answer the question:
Yes, it is very annoying not to have an individual countdown timer for each suggestion made - rather like waiting in casualty...
I suggested my own site well over three years ago, and got so frustrated I decided to do something about it...
It's still not listed, but several thousand others are ;)

I totally agree here. I submitted several sites into the directory which haven't as yet appeared. I was not angry as I had read so much about the time it takes if at all.

I also applied and became an editor in a very small part of the directory. I am thoroughly enjoying it. My sites are also still not listed. I am working on an area of the directory that has nothing to do with my sites. It's great.
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