Do some regional categories have no editor?


Jun 3, 2009
I have noted that many, if not most African countries have less than a total of 300 registered sites. A good number have under 200.
Many seem to be having numbers than never change (I have been looking at some specific countries for over 2 years, especially but not exclusively in East Africa).
In fact a certain country which had just over 300 sites about 2 years ago, now has been having about or over a dozen less for at least 1.5 years.
Possible explanations:
  • the people in those countries are not aware of the advantages of using and hardly or never suggest sites [even though internet use/number of websites has/have considerably increased in the last 2 - 3 years]
  • no one in those countries for some reason ever suggests sites that can qualify to be registered - of the tens of thousands that are generally suggested to DMOZ, in weeks, months, years ...

  • there is simply no one dealing with those countries at all or there's but the editors are overstretched?
  • editors are not assigned such regions as such & it is just a coincidence that of the different categories dealt with, the few sites that would end up in those regional country categories just fail to qualify
In case at least some countries(regions) are taken as sub-categories that get editors, at least those for those countries probably do not have as much to do as those in other regions, I would think.

Are all my possible explanations for the status quo outright wrong?

Could it be that some 2, 3, 4 more people need to be assigned to those regional categories or everything in that area is perfect & needs no change?

I hope it is not a crime to ask some questions, especially if I am directly affected.
I am saying this because I have seen some strong responses to some people's questions. Someone's query, which sounded like a legitimate question was classified as being extremely or very silly.

Good day!


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Could it be that some 2, 3, 4 more people need to be assigned to those regional categories

We don't assign editors to specific categories. Rather, editors request permissions in the categories that interest them. That said, there are over 200 editors who can edit wherever they wish.

If you're interested in a category and think that you can improve it, why not apply to become an editor there yourself? I suggest that you first read FAQ and General Advice About Becoming an Editor.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
kontiki09 said:
  • the people in those countries are not aware of the advantages of using and hardly or never suggest sites [even though internet use/number of websites has/have considerably increased in the last 2 - 3 years]
  • no one in those countries for some reason ever suggests sites that can qualify to be registered - of the tens of thousands that are generally suggested to DMOZ, in weeks, months, years ...
These can never be the reason. Editors do not depend on sites being suggested. It is only one of many sources we can use to build a category.

Either it is very difficult to find new sites for these countries, or the sites are in other languages (I guess you only looked at the English language categories) or there is noone interested enough to `work` in these categories.

If you know of listable sites for these categories you can either suggest them (and hope that someone else will show enough interest to process them) or you can become an editor yourself. We always can use more enthousiast editors who are willing to build the directory.
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