Does category have an editor?

About 6 weeks ago, I sent emails to editors complaining that the editor of the category Business: Business Services: AudioVisual: Equipment: Audience Response Systems was unbiased, promoting his own company and lying about a competitor whose website I manage. I never got a response from anyone. One night a week or so later, I checked to see if the wording I objected to had been changed and to my astonishment, the editorship for the category was available. After checking the rules, which state an editor can be affiliated with a company listed in the directory, I applied, knowing that I could be fair and unbiased. I have not heard a word back. I checked a few days later and the advertisement for an editor was no longer there. Today, 7 weeks after my original submission for a correction in the already listed URL, I checked and saw that nothing had been done. I tried to send an email to the last known editor (who was still listed when linking to DMOZ from Google)to yet make another request for a correction. However when I submitted the form, an error returned saying his name was not recognized as an editor. So, I am puzzled, and the content which is injurious to our company is still propagating across the net. This raises several questions.
(1) How can I find out if I am still a candidate and how long the process will take?
(2) Was the last editor removed?
(3) If an editor was chosen, what is happening with a 7 week change for a url update?
(3) How does one find a complete listing of DMOZ editors on DMOZ, and what categories they are responsible for and who are they in turn responsible to?


Mar 25, 2002
( is the clickable URL path btw)

1: If you mean whether or not your site is a candidate for listing or not, then we need to know your URL. The best place to enquire would be this forum's "Site Submission Status" forum.
If you want to find out if you are still a candidate to be an editor, we'll need to know which editor name you chose.
2: All I can say is the "listed editor" of that category had their editing rights removed at the end of October. However - I'm not going to say if they "timed out", quit or were removed.
3: Sometimes updates, like reviews, can take anything from a few minutes to several months depending on editor activity in that area.
4: As far as I know, there is no "complete listing" of active editors available to the public. If you want to contact someone "high up", you best look at the meta-editor list. But some advice before you do so: DO NOT contact anyone listed with 'root' (i.e. ODP staff) as they are very busy people and will probably just bounce any messages down to a 'meta' editor to handle. If you want to contact someone regarding abuse, look down that list for someone labelled 'meta' (if you look at this forum you'll see people with 'meta' under their names like I have 'editall/catmv'). To email them from the list, take their editor name (for example: beebware) and change this URL: and click on the 'Send to editor' link.

Thanks for your speedy reply.

In response to questions.
(1) I was inquiring about my candidacy to become an editor of the category and not about a url listing. The name I applied under was Cybermench. It would be nice to know when I might hear about my application. Whether I get the job or not is less important to me than an editor be appointed, so he/she can make the requested change.

(2) Thanks for letting me know the last editor is no longer responsible for the category. What I found confusing was that the request for an editor was only up for a few days and when inking to DMOZ from Google's publication of the directory, I was taken to a page which still lists his name as the editor.
(3) I understand updates can take awhile, but I was only asking that our listed url be listed correctly, which meant only changing a few words. In this case, the category is Audience Response, and the company was listed as using "wired" technology, which is now somewhat outdated and has been supplanted by "wireless" technology. The wording implied this company could not provide the latest technology and has done damage. A visitor to DMOZ looking for a company which does Audience Response Meetings would more than likely choose the former editor's company which was listed at the top than another listed near the bottom and dismissed as offering wired (read outdated) technology.

(4) Thanks for the advice on contacting meta editors. The process does at times seem confusing.
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