Does DMOZ still do submissions?

Feb 20, 2011
We submitted our URL about a month ago and still nothing anyone have any suggestions or are all the editors on vacation (our Luck)

<url/pseudo sig removed>


Curlie Meta
Mar 29, 2002
Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one. :)


Mar 1, 2011
Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one. :)

We first submitted our site 6 years ago and last submitted it about 2 years ago, and STILL waiting for a response back. Nothing.. I don't even know if it is still waiting in the queue or should I try again? No one will tell me anything. I noticed there were no editors for the category I was trying for back then and there still aren't any today. So I decided to apply and was very open and honest to why I was applying, not to mention being very experienced in the area.. I own a business in the area for heaven's sakes. Yet they had no problem denying me within hours of submitting my application. Why can't the folks who deny all the editor applications speed up the site approvals? There should be absolutely no excuse why site approvals are taking months/years to get looked at, yet you have the resources to denying people within hours who are trying to become an editor to help out. It's just comical. At a minimum there should be a way for us to request a status after a certain number of years.. I'm growing gray waiting here. lol

Anyway, I just want to know why my site can't get listed. Or at least tell me if its still in a queue somewhere, got lost, or if I need to resubmit YET again.. after 6 years, I deserve at least that, don't you think?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
We first submitted our site 6 years ago and last submitted it about 2 years ago, and STILL waiting for a response back. Nothing.. I don't even know if it is still waiting in the queue or should I try again? No one will tell me anything.
You might have missed all the answers we have given to people who asked similar questions.
- we never send a response about suggested websites (you will get an confirmation on screen when you suggest the site, that is all)
- there is no need to suggest a website more than once
- everybody can check for themself if a website is listable or if it is not ,
- we tried providing status and the conclusion was that there is no need to tell people the status as it will not bring anything usefull, the only thing it brought was people argueing that their site schould be listed if we told them it was rejected
- we see no reason for people to wait for their site to be listed, there are many more things to do that are usefull
- editors are not obliged to review suggested websites

I noticed there were no editors for the category I was trying for back then and there still aren't any today. So I decided to apply and was very open and honest to why I was applying, not to mention being very experienced in the area.. I own a business in the area for heaven's sakes. Yet they had no problem denying me within hours of submitting my application. Why can't the folks who deny all the editor applications speed up the site approvals? There should be absolutely no excuse why site approvals are taking months/years to get looked at, yet you have the resources to denying people within hours who are trying to become an editor to help out. It's just comical. At a minimum there should be a way for us to request a status after a certain number of years.. I'm growing gray waiting here. lol
Editor applications are processed as fast as we can. But we only accept people who show that they understand the guidelines of DMOZ, that are honest and are capable to write corretly in the language they apply for. It is very easy, in our opinion everybody can write such an application but many show that bthey are not able to do so.
We prcess applications fast because if we accept 10 new editors these will be able to list far more websites than the one meta editor that reviewed their application.

Anyway, I just want to know why my site can't get listed. Or at least tell me if its still in a queue somewhere, got lost, or if I need to resubmit YET again.. after 6 years, I deserve at least that, don't you think?
I don't think you deserve such questions to be answered.
DMOZ does not provide any service to people suggestion websites.
These people provide a service to DMOZ.
Feb 20, 2011
Wow for something that everyone says we should submit to sure does take long time. Think someone should look into charging for faster reviews or submissions. So looking at other post looks like we will be back in few years and asking same question again


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Wow for something that everyone says we should submit to sure does take long time.
It did not. Suggesting a site only takes a minute or so.
And maybe those people who claim that suggesting a site to DMOZ are wrong. Ever thought about that?

Think someone should look into charging for faster reviews or submissions.
Already done. It is called Yahoo Directory. :rolleyes:

So looking at other post looks like we will be back in few years and asking same question again
Why, o , why.
We have already given the only answer that can be given. It realy won't change.
Feb 20, 2011
No wonder nothing gets done with comments as foolish as yours. I understand it is a free submission and is done by volunteers on there own time but should not of volunteered if they do not have the time. And if we could get sites reviewed as fast as your response on here this would not even be a topic.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
.. is done by volunteers on there own time but should not of volunteered if they do not have the time.
Let me extrapolate from that. Would you be happier if the editors who you think aren't volunteering hard enough resigned or were removed? If so, would that get more work done or less :)? In what way have you helped our directory to grow today?

There are hundreds of millions of websites out there that we haven't yet evaluated but there are under 6000 of us. You might like to do the math. Perhaps you thought that suggested websites are somehow more worth listing than those that haven't been. I can assure you that, in many 'popular' categories, the opposite is the case.

And if we could get sites reviewed as fast as your response on here this would not even be a topic
Very few of our editors ever visit this forum and those that do are on a break. Are volunteers not allowed breaks?
Feb 20, 2011
Let me extrapolate from that. Would you be happier if the editors who you think aren't volunteering hard enough resigned or were removed? If so, would that get more work done or less :)? In what way have you helped our directory to grow today?

There are hundreds of millions of websites out there that we haven't yet evaluated but there are under 6000 of us. You might like to do the math. Perhaps you thought that suggested websites are somehow more worth listing than those that haven't been. I can assure you that, in many 'popular' categories, the opposite is the case.

Very few of our editors ever visit this forum and those that do are on a break. Are volunteers not allowed breaks?

First not telling you how to do things but if you had a stipulation to even become a volunteer of x amount of reviews a day or week you would not be years behind. Yes will do the math for you lets say you have 5000 volunteers that did 5 reviews a day that would be 25,000 sites done a day. Second this site should of not even been designed if there is no way to keep up with the submission. Third at this point can really careless if we get on here for I see this is a total waste of time for me and you.

Final:Do not build something that you can not support.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
if you had a stipulation to even become a volunteer of x amount of reviews a day or week you would not be years behind.
Editors did not signup fo such a task. Editors are not force to review any specific number of suggested sites. Even better, or worse depening in your thoughts, editor are not forced to reveiw suggestions at all.

Second this site should of not even been designed if there is no way to keep up with the submission.
DMOZ was not designed to keep up with suggestions. It is doing what it is designed for.

Third at this point can really careless if we get on here for I see this is a total waste of time for me and you.
Correct. Complaining about things DMOZ is not designed to provide can be seen as a waste of time. Insisting that DMOZ should change to something that it does not want to be is certainly a waste of time.

Final:Do not build something that you can not support.
We did not build something we can not support.
We just do not support some things people think we should support.
That is not our fault. We just try to educate people about what DMOZ in reality is.
Feb 20, 2011
First not telling you how to do things but if you had a stipulation to even become a volunteer of x amount of reviews a day or week you would not be years behind. Yes will do the math for you lets say you have 5000 volunteers that did 5 reviews a day that would be 25,000 sites done a day. Second this site should of not even been designed if there is no way to keep up with the submission. Third at this point can really careless if we get on here for I see this is a total waste of time for me and you.

Final:Do not build something that you can not support.
WOW was looking at the category we submitted to and on the bottom you have the last update day my lord: Last update: Friday, March 28, 2008 3:07:25 PM EDT. I would pressume there is no editor for my category seeing how the last update to this category was almost 3 years ago.


Mar 5, 2011
What to do if a category haven't been updated for almost 3 years? Do I give up? Do I have to wait for another editor to join that category?

I have been trying to to add my site to a category that was updated last 3 years ago.

Just wondering if other editors sometime help in empty (without editors) categories.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
WOW was looking at the category we submitted to and on the bottom you have the last update day my lord: Last update: Friday, March 28, 2008 3:07:25 PM EDT. I would pressume there is no editor for my category seeing how the last update to this category was almost 3 years ago.
Due to a bug in the dMOZ software the last update dates at the bottom of the categories are mostly incorect (I do not know one category that has the right date shown). The problem is known by AOL technical staff but it does not have a high priority.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Do I have to wait for another editor to join that category?
No. There around 200 of us that can edit in any of our ~million categories that we choose - and we do. If you think there's a problem, why not be part of the solution and become an editor?
Feb 20, 2011
No. There around 200 of us that can edit in any of our ~million categories that we choose - and we do. If you think there's a problem, why not be part of the solution and become an editor?
do you know if there is an editor for video surveillance or security categories?


Mar 5, 2011
No. There around 200 of us that can edit in any of our ~million categories that we choose - and we do. If you think there's a problem, why not be part of the solution and become an editor?

My application and reason for it were genuine butI have been rejected twice, one 2 years ago and more recently about two weeks ago. I believe my affiliation with
some sites (own several travel blogs) did not help me.
I just wanted to come clean telling you about my sites from the start...


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
My application and reason for it were genuine butI have been rejected twice, one 2 years ago and more recently about two weeks ago. I believe my affiliation with
some sites (own several travel blogs) did not help me.
I just wanted to come clean telling you about my sites from the start...
Being affiliated with websites is not a reason to reject an application to become an editor.


Apr 11, 2011
It seems to me that becoming part of the solution is incredibly difficult. My colleague and I have both applied to be editors in the past, but were both rejected. I have a feeling I have applied twice although I cant remember as the first time would have been several years ago.

Whether DMOZ was designed to be what it has become or not has no bearing on the fact that a DMOZ listing plays a part in SEO and SEO can have a direct impact on how much business companies do. My website performs very well on all SEO analysis tools and sites apart from the fact that we are not DMOZ listed. A lot of our competitors are listed and these sites are harder to beat in organic searching. We spend time and money on all areas of SEO and SEM so do not sit around waiting for to catch up, but with what seems like very little activity when it comes to approving submissions and a completely opaque and un-informative editor approval system, it seems sitting around and waiting is the only option.

I have started a topic discussing whether should have any bearing on SEO at all, and from the comments of the various admmin people on this forum, I think its very obvious that it really shouldnt. Its obvious that has no interest in SEO, therefore should have no bearing on SEO.

P.S. I also note that several of the admin people answering genuine quiries regarding submission simply copy and paste un-informative answers over and over again. When people ask a question that has already been asked, this usually means that the answers found by reading other posts have not given them the information they are after.

All forums are run by volunteers. I myself am a forum admin for an owners club and I take my role as an admin seriously. If I am asked questions by fellow members, I do my best to give them a unique and helpful answer.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
P.S. I also note that several of the admin people answering genuine quiries regarding submission simply copy and paste un-informative answers over and over again. When people ask a question that has already been asked, this usually means that the answers found by reading other posts have not given them the information they are after.
Ehh No.
It means that people are asking questions that are clearly mentioned in the forum guidelines as those that should not be asked (in this forum questions about a specific website will not be answered, that is why we provide such people with a standard comment).
Ans some people just keep asking a question that has already been answered because the answer given is not the answer they want to hear. We could ofcourse tell them a lie or we can repeat the truth.
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