Does this category have an editor?


Sep 13, 2005
I noticed a lot of categories have a an editor listed at the bottom. The category that I submitted my site into (Top: Regional: North America: United States: Texas: Localities: P: Plano) does not have an editor listted. It just says "Volunteer to Edit This Category".

I also noticed that this same category has not been revised since March 13th, 2005. Is possible that the reason my site has not been included in the category is because there is no one editing that category? My site meets all the requirements and I know it's in the right category because there are similar sites for other cities in the same category for their respective city.

Take a look at There is nothing wrong with my site that I can tell. It's very informative and has great links and content.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
jscano, you're looking at the wrong side of the coin. We don't look for things "wrong" with a site, reasons NOT to list it. We look for things "right" -- some reason TO list.

There's only one reason: unique informational relevant content.

So, ignoring all the obvious advertisements and promotional material (which of course doesn't count as content or information) we'd look at the rest.

Now, if an editor finds non-unique material, we begin to wonder: is there anything unique at all, or is the plagiarizer trying to pass off material copied from some authoritative source (or some non-authoritative source, for that matter) as "original"? That would be something "wrong" in the sense that it would force the reviewer to look at everything else with suspicion. At that point, we have to ask: is it worth it to look any further for genuine unique content, or is it time to move on to one of the millions of websites that don't have obvious plagiarism right up front?

Assuming that for whatever irrational reason the editor decides to look further for unique content, the presence of plagiarized content won't be a necessary barrier to a listing -- it just could be ignored in the review (and the ODP description.)

But that's a judgment call -- the editor isn't obligated to pore through any set number of pages looking for something that might be unique: there are still plenty of websites that consistently provide honest attribution and/or original content, and there's no reason at all we shouldn't be looking for them, possibly neglecting other sites that haven't been so careful or honest.

So, when you want to know why a site isn't listed, don't ask, "why not?" Ask "why ever?" and see if the site gives an unambiguous, persuasive answer.

Of course, this isn't the whole picture. The original question you asked is still valid, although your reason for asking it isn't valid. Whether or not there are listed editors for a category, those are "explicit permissions": they are not assignments, nor are they even exhaustive as permission lists. So you don't know when some editor will next feel that the category needs (or might be able to benefit by) additional web research. Perhaps a fine site could be overlooked for a long time simply because the topic was (so far as editors' knowledge and interest went) adequately represented. Who knows? (Certainly not us!)
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