does holds chance in dmoz??



i am trying to list this site from last 5 months or so in different category...but with no luck. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

I would appreciate if anyone can assist me in this regard


Re: does holds chance in dmo

Without knowing what category you submitted to it is very hard for the editors to see what the status of your submission is. Please provide this information if you can. Please also take into account the fact that all of the editors on are volunteers, and as such edit when they have time to do so.


Re: does holds chance in dmo

i have tried to list this site in diff category over theperiod of 5 months but somehow withno luck.
The categories are

1. Shopping: Clothing: Ethnic and Regional: Asian: Indian
2. Regional: Asia: India: Business and Economy: Shopping
3. Shopping: Ethnic and Regional: Asian: Indian

Any help in this regard would be appreciated a lot..


Re: does holds chance in dmo

in the original messsge i was enquiring about if holds any chance to be listed. So it was not regarding the status of the submission. But as the edidtor wanted the info about teh category that i listed in so i thus provided.
I by no means wantd to start multiple threads.... <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: does holds chance in dmo

It's still the same topic, i.e. you want to know what's happening with the site. So, please, keep all future comments and posts to the thread in the Site Submission Status forum. Thanks.


Re: does holds chance in dmo

it is not the same topic...I want to know why my site was denied listed in DMOZ ....I do not want to know the statusof the pending application in this thread or if anyone can tell me looking at what is missing there. I have read the guidelines and everything and to my consideration it fits all.....

Re: does holds chance in dmo

Your site wasn't denied a listing, it's just pending review. You started a thread in the Submission Status Section on 28/03/03 (yesterday), and nobody said that your site was denied. In the last post of that thread gimmster told you "At the moment the ODP is having server problems, someone will answer when we can get in to check. Sorry we don't know when, give us a day or two at least".

I visited the site and personally didn't find anything in it which could impede a listing.

I am closing this thread, since you already had an answer about the listability of your site. Please therefore let's keep the discussion in the original thread, and please be patient: as soon as someone will be able to review your submission status, you will get an answer.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.