search does not show listing


Mar 25, 2002
The ODP doesn't know anything about PR or backlinks - we just list sites in the directory.

When you say you do a search - if you mean you are using the ODP search function, that doesn't surprise me - it's not highly reliable and is not intended to be a robust search tool.

If you are using another site to search, then we have absolutely no control over what other people do - you will have to get in touch with them.

Hope this clarifies.

And while you are reading - submissions made to each of the categories for localities where you have a business will more than likely not be approved - we will not list a business is every site it has a presence, sorry.


Jan 13, 2004
One editor told me this:

Hmm, just tried it without the www and you don't come up in the search.

It is probably something to do with the ongoing UTF-8 conversion.

In one of the categories that I edit I had to alter a few listings because the hyphens looked OK, but they weren't proper hyphens. They looked like hyphens but had some different encoding that would not convert to UTF-8 when the conversion was done. It might be an issue like that. There are a few entries like that, and someone is fixing them with a script.

Try again after the search is updated next week.

Does this make sense?
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