Duplicate Listing



One of the top competitors for one of my client's sites is listed twice in DMOZ, and I don't think its very fair. Where would I report that a site is listed twice?

And what are the odds that one of that site's listings would be removed, and how long does that normally take?

>> the site has two listings in two topical categories

It has been fixed now, thanks for your input.

>> If its fine to be in both then great, i'll submit my client to both too

Please don't. Double listing in two topical categories is a very, very rare exception, unlikely to happen in /Shopping.


The site still seems to be there, but I assume it doesn't update immediately.

Thank you very much, It was pretty upsetting that they were getting the privilage of two listings like that. I'm sure it didn't mean much, but it sets my mind at ease all the same. Thanks again.


I just noticed that there is more than one site that is listed twice in those two categories I mentioned earlier. Should I give you the names? or could you take a look. You'll see that there are at least two.

There are three categories for vintage and used clothing, that are all very related it probably caused this confusion <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

&gt;&gt; The site still seems to be there, but I assume it doesn't update immediately.

Yes, it takes a few minutes to update. Try reloading the Used_and_Secondhand category page now.

&gt;&gt; there is more than one site that is listed twice ... Should I give you the names?

Please, feel free to stickymail me the URLs

&gt;&gt; There are three categories for vintage and used clothing

Yes, which is the reason for some confusion. Maybe there's some overlap here, too.
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