duplicated or no?

Oct 16, 2006
Hello, how do you do? I have a big doubt.Not a common error(i think). I have a domain listed in a category, 2 years ago. And 3 days ago i suggest another website, which I care more, in the same category. I didn´t do it with the intention of grow in popularity, mean it (was an error of me). The 2 webs have reciprocal links. I realize suggesting it was a mistake, because the first url was one i published on a (good) free domain/hosting service, and is kind of poor content (as soon as i can, will get an upgrade). And the new web is the one I want to get a bit raised. I know I wasn´t clear, but I want to know what to do in the future. Delete the old web from the directory? (if it is possible) or Change the content off(must say: of, edited) the page and try to change the category? or something else. Please what do you recommend? thankyou
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