Editing messages - Deleting content without consent


Feb 25, 2007
I don't quite get the idea of editing the messages that have active outbound url's in it, depending on solely personal and subjective estimates.

I've sent a message to a very crowded Non-English category thread, and because I knew the message will be history in this active thread, I've also sent a permalink to my already ODP listed Blog for further discussion on the subject.
:icon_arro http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8&page=61

Now I see my link is emptied, by photofox, and I still see lots of outbound links, even in threads, that photofox replied to.
:icon_arro http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=46695 (just an example)

A more bothering situation than being edited, is a situation of being edited unfair, and judged subjectively. And when it comes to a point, that I even can't re-edit my work to delete a disturbing link like http://.../; the situation gets worse.

There are lots of ways to stop spam, and they are (and have to be) mostly objective and equal solutions. When it comes to editing people's precious work in an eye glimpse, the "editor" has to be much more cautious, I believe...


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
That we missed a message with an outgoing link doesn't mean that it is ok for other people to make such links.

> When it comes to editing people's precious work in an eye glimpse
If you see your postings in a forum as "precious work" it is clear to me that you mainly post to get a link to your site. And that is totaly forbidden on this forum.

As you are not allowed to ask questions about individual sites links to these sites are not allowed and are seen as spam. Only in the quality control part we allow links as these are needed by the editors to resolve the problem.
But on all cases it is totaly up to the moderators to decide which links to delete and which not.


Dec 28, 2006
Catagory Update

One of the catagory in Regional has not been edited since one year.
Can anyone help me for updating catagory?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
First of all: Please DO NOT hijack other peoples threads with your requests.

Regarding your request: Our forum guidelines state that posting in this forum will not lead to faster processing. If we would start doing that, our forum would be swamped with such requests and become useless.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I've sent a message to a very crowded Non-English category thread, and because I knew the message will be history in this active thread, I've also sent a permalink to my already ODP listed Blog for further discussion on the subject.
This forum does not exist to provide advertising or traffic to other sites. Me personally, I would have completely deleted the URL rather than just delinking it (in fact, I've gone and done just that) but other moderators prefer to just nullify the link.

Now I see my link is emptied, by photofox, and I still see lots of outbound links, even in threads, that photofox replied to.
http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=46695 (just an example)
Sometimes links get missed.

And when it comes to a point, that I even can't re-edit my work to delete a disturbing link like http://.../; the situation gets worse.
Because some people have had a disturbing tendency to want to edit their posts continually, sometime changing the meaning of what they wrote after others have responded, there's an across-the-board time limit on the editability of a post.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We don't have much sympathy with the "I ought to be allowed to rob banks freely because Al Capone got away with it" attitude.

If you have information on Al Capone that might help lead to a conviction, we'd be happy to hear it. If not, then let's not discuss him.


Feb 25, 2007
pvgool said:
> When it comes to editing people's precious work in an eye glimpse
If you see your postings in a forum as "precious work" it is clear to me that you mainly post to get a link to your site. And that is totaly forbidden on this forum.

All "people's" work are precious pvgool, yours too... And I totally didn't post to get a link from a deep deep page of a far deeper forum. Even I suspect you have a single idea what's written in my post, I have to stop. Because the subject is not my postings...

I have experience in forum moderation, and I'm sure that someone can easily understand which post is a forum spam or not. In most cases you don't even have to know the language. And a few links from a huge forum... don't mean anything in terms of traffic or pr.

hutcheson said:
We don't have much sympathy with the "I ought to be allowed to rob banks freely because Al Capone got away with it" attitude.

hutcheson... I really think you lack sympathy. There is no possible way of equalizing me with a gangster. I use a keyboard, he used cocaine... :) And also it's not 1900s anymore...

Anyways, I wouldn't be so obsessed about users, sending outbound links in forums. Figthing with individuals so harsh, because of useless spam attacks done by "others"; doesn't seem like future to me.

And again; the subject is not what I posted, or the necessity of deleting links. When it comes to excuses, everyone could find some. What I said was quite deeper about editing, moderating and respecting each other..


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
ilyas, you can begin to demonstrate respect by respecting the rules of this forum, and not giving excuses for your discourtesy. Then there won't be anything to moderate.


Feb 25, 2007
Being the eternal guardian of the so called "rules" makes it easy to propagate and manipulate. :rolleyes: But the humanity needs much more than that.

"Moderating discourtesy" is a whole new concept for me... sorry I'm just :confused:


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
ilyas, when you choose to post on someone else's forum, you do so with the understanding that your posts may be moderated or deleted and that the rules that are in place on that forum are not necessarily the rules that you would implement on your own. We tend to be link-unfriendly here, hence the reason we delete most URLs and have disabled signatures for non-editors.
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