Editor and volentueer.


Oct 1, 2004
Hi, I recently submitted to dmoz only about 5 or 6 days ago. I have 2 questions really.

1) The category I wanted to be listed in doesn't appear to have a submit URL Option (However I see new sites appear in there every now and again). It has an editor assigned to it, so I'm not sure about how that works (i.e where its getting the new listings from).

2) The category I did end up submitted to appears not to have anyone editing it, will the site ever get looked at, and has an option to volentueer to become an editor?

The URL in question is www.chatrooms-uk.com It was Put into Computers > Internet > Chat > Java (The one with no people looking at it) and I wanted to be Computer > Internet > Chat (The one with no submit option but with someone looking at the entries).

(PS I don't expect anything to really happen, just wanted an idea on how the system works on situations like these).


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
A lot of categories have no named editors, but that is no matter. An editor in a category can edit in all sub-categories, and sub-sub categories and so on, of that category. What this means in your case is that all named editors in Computers/Internet/Chat/, Computers/Internet/ and Computers/ can also edit in Computers/Internet/Chat/Java. In addition, there are a couple of hundred editors (editalls and meta editors) who can edit anywhere in the directory. So every site suggestion will be reviewed at some point.

The editor who reviews your site will list it one level higher if s/he thinks that's where it should go. You might also want to submit to http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Uni..._Economy/Computers_and_Internet/Internet/Chat or one of its subcategories, if your chatrooms are uk-specific. You may or may not end up being listed in both places - the reviews will be independent of each other.

If you want to make sure that your site suggestion has been received, you can post a status request in the Site Submission Status forum a month after your submission. (If you do, please read the forum guidelines so you know how to format the request.)


Curlie Meta
Nov 24, 2003
Since your chatroom is java based - it wouldn't be listed in Computers/Internet/Chat anyway.

The reason that category has no submit option is to force submitters to look for a more specific category.

You did, and you found Computers/Internet/Chat/Java/ , which was probably the correct place to submit too. :)


Oct 1, 2004
Thanks for that. I don't know if I did the right thing or not, but I think I might have submitted to A regional UK area for the site too Under the UK Chat Section. If i made a second submission, does it override the other one or does it mean i can be in 2 sections (i've noticed a few sites in 2 correct categories).

Also I have noticed a few websites no longer run chat rooms in a certain category and I'm not sure weather or not suggest to dmoz, infact 1 of the sites seems to go into a funny loop and a bunch of popups come up. UK > Computers Internet > Internet > Chat

I'm not sure where to make a suggestion to have them reviewed either, would i fill in an abuse form, or make a forum post somewhere. I wasn't quite sure. Maybe part of this post maybe moved to the correct section. I think 3 would qualify for removal

Info-Highway UK - http://info-highway.co.community.everyone.net/
Funs.co.uk message boards - http://boards.funs.co.uk/
Virgin.net Chat - http://www.virgin.net/chat/index.html


Best bet would be to use the "Update Listing" link on the category page. In the "Reasons for change" area you could explain what you're seeing. An editor will eventually review it. (Updates are put into the same pool as suggestions, but they are flagged as updates and editors generally try to process updates quickly.)


Mar 7, 2004
and, additionally to the other question, as NEA wrote above:
You may or may not end up being listed in both places - the reviews will be independent of each other.
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