Editor Application - Question Re: Affiliated Sites

I applied to become an ODP editor around 3 1/2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting to hear back. That's not a problem. The reason for my post is that I can't seem to lose this nagging feeling that I should have applied to a different category, one for which I had no site affiliations.

I read the "application guidelines" and then browsed the threads of these forums and came away feeling it's "o.k." to have an affiliation as long as you disclose it. The problem is that every now and then you read a post where the writer recommends that you not apply for a category if you have an affiliation with a site that would be appropriate for that category. I certainly don't want my application to be misconstrued as a "spam attempt."

Like many, I have years of experience in a given field. If I'm the web-savvy person that the ODP needs to help build the directory then it stands to reason that I will have an affiliation to at least one website that is related to the field in which I'm experienced. Assuming the category is not overly broad, and has no sub-categories, wouldn't it serve the directory better if I were editing a category that I have knowledge of and an interest in? Or, should I have started with a category for which I have little or no interest, and absolutely no site-affiliation, in the hopes that someday I would prove myself worthy?

My personal situation is that I'm affiliated with two sites that could be appropriate for the category I applied for. I disclosed this in my application. It isn't cut-and-dry because there are at least three categories that appear appropriate. Each of the three categories lists the same types of companies.

If it looks like my application will be denied on the above grounds, could someone just go ahead and reject it. I could then apply for another category and pay my dues.

I applied for the following category:

Business: Industries: Telecommunications: Communications Providers: Messaging Services

I grappled with this one so I'm sure others would also appreciate some dialogue on the topic.

(Side note: I read in these forums that you could submit another application to find out if your previous application was still in queue. I did that, but I don't think I used the same "user id." Now I have two applications pending... <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" /> )


May 26, 2002
I would post either clickable links to the two categories that you applied for [ah, re-read it, there is probably only one cat so far], or state the two editor names that you used [never, ever, reveal any passwords to anyone, not even a Meta or Staff, even if someone emails you for them], along with a preference as to which one you would prefer to be reviewed so that the other one can be deferred.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
I am no meta, so I can'T review applications.

I would guess that that's a nice category to start with. So if your application is OK (style, spelling, ...) and you filled out the form honestly I guess that it will be accepted.

If denied, you maybe want to reread the [UTL=http://dmoz.org/guidelines/]guidelines[/URL] about site-descriptions and related topics.

Are applications "lost" when the category in question is moved, or do the applications move with the category?


May 26, 2002
I think they _should_ do, but there is always a possibility of a problem. If a month has gone by, and you have heard nothing then I would re-apply, again giving three example sites and descriptions suitable for the category. I think you should write it all in a text editor and save it, so that if you have a problem submitting you still have a copy of what you wrote. I would try to use the same editor name as before, but if the system will not let you, then make a note on the new application what the old one was. Affiliations, as ever, should be clearly stated.


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
Buzz, your application as voxmaster is still in the queue, but the application for voxman is not. Yes, we have slight problems when categories are moved and there are applications in the queue for it or its lower levels. However, these are usually quickly resolved by staff (with a nudge from us metas).

At this time, I'd kick back and wait for your application to be processed; no need to supply another. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Hip, Hip, Hurraaaay!

I was approved a couple of days ago. Thanks to all for making these forums an invaluable resource regarding the ODP.

Now the work begins....


Mar 26, 2002
Congrats and have fun <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
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