Editor Application Rejected.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
If there were no specific reviewer comments at the bottom of the email, then you can pretty much take it as given that one or more of the items in the general form letter applied to your application.

Without knowing the details of your application but knowing which site is yours, I do want to point out that Perth means Perth CBD, not any of Perth's suburbs. Each of Perth's suburbs has its own locality category.


I have a generalized question about some mixups which may sometimes occur with editor applications. I have applied twice, the first time I was told I was in the wrong category in the comments, and a "correct" category was suggested. So I apply to the "correct" category....and I am rejected with the comments telling me that I am in the wrong category, and a "correct" category was suggested. Here's the thing: The second suggested category was the category I originally applied in. I have a lot of desire to participate in the ODP and really want to help, but I can't help but be disheartened when things like this occur.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
If you supplied a mix of sites that belonged in one category and sites that belonged in a different category, then you could get the mixed response you got, e.g. if you supplied two sites that belonged in Shopping and one that belonged in Arts for a Shopping category application, you could get a response that at least one of the sites wasn't appropriate for the Shopping category. Likewise, if you then apply with the same or similar sites to the Arts category, you're likely to get a response telling you that not all of the sites belong in Arts. Picking appropriate sites is a big part of the application process.
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