Editor Application Status


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'm not seeing any application for that category so I presume it's been denied (or that we never received it). Feel free to reapply, though I'd recommend choosing a different category -- most businesses in Regional are listed at the locality level and very few would be listed at the Australia level. A small category (under 50 sites or so) at the locality level would be a better choice.


May 12, 2004
Please help

Recently I applied to be an editor of a very small category


I applied under the name Bradderick on the 24/5 with this unique id cec24a32befd3a9f3a7c07fc73452746.

I recently asked for my submission status only to be told " there is none waiting in the queue and to apply for a different area.

But hang on - there are only two sites in this category and it is a seriously neglected area missing all the major accounting bodies for australia.

So firstly I want to know:

i) why was I rejected?
ii) why didn't I receive an email?
iii) I'm worried that my applications aren't even being read because this is the second time I've applied and the second time I have had to ask here only to be told there is nothing waiting in the queue so it must have been rejected.

please I'd at least love an email. I mean the category is only missing the governing bodies that run the accounting professions in australia and the bodies that create the australian accounting standards. Furthermore I have no affiliations with any accounting bodies in australia and have been quite explicit in my application of my identity and experience

These are the three sites I submitted in my application which has been "lost"

Institute of Chartered Accountants
ICAA is the organizational body that helps develop Australian accounting standards and administers the profession of accounting in Australia. They offer membership programs that offer full qualification to become a practicing accountant.

Australian Accounting Standards Board
AASB works with CPA Australia and ICAA to develop and maintain accounting standards for Australia. They offer guidance on all accounting principles.

Australian Accounting Research Foundation
The AARF is an organization established to improve the quality of auditing standards in Australia and help develop legislation for corporate law.

Can someone please at least let me send my application so I know that it will get through and then know why it was rejected. Else why have the category and why advertise for an editor spot?

I would appreciate any feedback that I can get because the process seems a mystery to me at best and yes - I have read and re-read the editor faq's which you will probably tell me to read :)

Obviously the person who replies won't be in charge of the category - but why reject someone who obviously wants to be an editor and gives all the major sites that should be in the category?

Please help :)




May 20, 2004
One of the problems is that search doesn't work on dmoz, try using a Google search:

eg: "Australian Accounting Standards Board" site:dmoz.org

"Institute of Chartered Accountants" australia site:dmoz.org

Last one doesn't seem to be in there, though..


Mar 25, 2002
Does your e-mail account have any type of spam filtering on it? (Before you say no, make sure that your service provider isn't including a spam filter service on the server-side. Mine does, and I don't think a lot of the users realize that it is there until they log into the web based e-mail interface.) The only reason that I ask is because we have heard of spam filters sorting some of the e-mails from dmoz.org into the spam folder. There is probably some keyword in the denial letter that triggers a filter. Anyway, that's just something to check as to where the denial letter might have gone. I've also heard of people deleting it because they themselves thought it was spam. They just hit the delete button too fast and didn't even realize what it was :)

The application was definitely reviewed and denied.

As to why it was denied, we have no way of knowing that. I would suspect that it was partly because of the reason that motsa mentioned in the other thread. That's just not a good category for a new editor. Those sites look like they fit there, but you don't need to be the editor of the category to submit them there :) They also might be more appropriate in the topic specific Business category.

We generally don't grant high level regional categories to new editors. We like to start an editor in the lower locality type categories so that they can get their feet wet and move up the branch. Guidelines are sometimes a little more complicated for the higher level regional categories. According to the category description (which I think needs some work) this category is for accounting firms, and most of those would go in their appropriate localities.

After you add those three sites, are you going to be able to come up with more to add there? This topic seems rather limited and a new editor would soon run out of things to do. If you were already an editor, then taking on a category like this could be part of the progression to the top level Regional category.

Those are just a few of the things that the reviewing meta might have been thinking about. Don't be discouraged by the rejection. I know it's a pain, but countless people have been rejected on their first try. And just so that I fulfill my responsibilities here, read the [thread=1289]FAQ and General Advice[/thread] thread at the top of this forum? :)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
>>According to the category description (which I think needs some work)

It's been fixed. :)

[Note: it's best to keep discussion of a single topic -- in this case your application to be an editor -- in one thread so I've merged the two together. ]


May 12, 2004
Thank you very much for the feedback. I have just applied to the smallest of the small categories. So hopefully I may just get in.

I really appreciate the detailed feedback.


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