
I applied to become an editor and was wondering how long it would be before I heard a reply. The category to which I applied does not have an editor and any help I could get would be great.

The category I applied to was:

Top: Business: Insurance: Agents and Marketers: Multi-Line: United States: Multi-State

The username I selected was: fjohnson

Thank you in advance for your help and I look forward to becoming a member of your community.

Floyd Johnson

There is no set amount of time that an application gets reviewed in. It can be from 48 hours to a week or more. Don't be worried, you shouldn't have to wait too long.

It could be a LOT longer than a week. Several hundred applications are usually waiting to be reviewed, and sometimes 100 a day get added to that wait.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Just a quick question - did you get the automatic response saying 'Please respond to this email to prove that your account exists' (or similar)? If not, then we haven't received your application and so it can't be reviewed.

Yes, I did get an email with this number in the subject line:

opendir - ce1d06f771433189e863c9394945c50d

I replied and did get an automated responce back telling me my application had been received. Is there any way one could help me by reviewing my application?

The username I used is: fjohnson

I'll provide the password on instant message if you'd like.



Mar 26, 2002
As another editor in this thread said -

"There is no set amount of time that an application gets reviewed in. It can be from 48 hours to a week or more. Don't be worried, you shouldn't have to wait too long."

Just be patient and if you don't hear anything back in a couple of weeks post back and let us know.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
I'm afraid you'll just have to wait.

If you were turned down, but could potentially make a good editor (for example, if you applied for a category that was too large for a newbie) then you will probably get an email saying this.

Please don't share your password with anyone. Only staff see passwords, and they would never need to request them. If someone does ask for your password, they're not an ODP editor.

It's been about 3 weeks and I've still heard nothing. Can anyone help me on this? Any help I could get would be very much appreciated.



Apr 1, 2002
There's no fjohnson in the queue, so that means your application has been rejected.

Usually, applicants will receive a form letter (with or without individual comments) when rejected, but occasionally this doesn't happen, either because of email problems or because the reviewing meta for some reason does not choose to send one.

I suggest you re-read http://dmoz.org/guidelines.html , take a closer look at the cat description (this one may be of use as well) and the sites already listed, and then apply again. http://dmoz.org/Business/Insurance/Agents_and_Marketers/Multi-Line/United_States/Multi-State/ does seem to be about the right size for a new editor, so I don't think the choice of cat is a problem. (Disclaimer: I don't edit much in Business/. If the cat is a spam/abuse-magnet, it will be difficult to be accepted there for a new editor. I've no idea if that applies to this case or not.)

Note: This is general advice. I haven't seen your application, and don't know why it was rejected.

Hope that helps!

Regards, Hilde


Mar 1, 2002
Unfortunately Business/Insurance IS one of those spam magnets that take a cast-iron gut to edit. Simply due to the massive amount of inappropriate submissions, spam, abuse, etc. it's unlikely for a new editor to be accepted to edit anywhere in this category.

I suggest you begin by applying to some non-problematic category (such as any small locality in Regional), and applying for the Insurance cat after you got some editing experience under your belt.

Thank you for your time to post. I reapplied to a much smaller category.

Business: Insurance: Agents and Marketers: Multi-Line: United States: Arkansas

The username I applied under is: fjohnson

And I did reply to a message with this code in the subject line to complete my registration:

openndir - 3c2a98f1ec25ce80375fd1e48ac4670a

Since I'm reapplying can anyone help me on this.




Just keep on waiting. That's pretty much all you can do. And the problem wasn't with a smaller cat, really, but with applying in Business/Insurance. Still, all you can do is wait /images/icons/smile.gif
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