Editor application



I have applied to be an editor but my application has been rejected on the grounds that titles and descriptions of the submitted URLs we're of a review nature rather than a descriptive nature. However, I was advised to re-apply.
I'm am truly interested in doing so, but would like to know if I should re-apply using the same URL's with different titles and descriptions.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you got a response like that, it meant the meta-editor wanted you to re-apply. So read the editing guidelines, and use the same URLs with guidelines-compliant titles and descriptions. It is a hard shift, switching from keywork-hype ad-copy to content-description (I tried shifting the other way once -- with no success whatsoever.) So we can't just accept you, assuming you CAN do it: some people can't, or aren't willing to. But if you are willing to try, we'd be happy to look at the results with a view toward having your help.

One technique I've found helpful is to read my own attempts at descriptions and think, "would this company's competitors (or this party's opponents, or this religion's detractors) agree that this is an accurate description of the content of the website as it exists today, and as it is reasonable to expect it to exist tomorrow?"

Good luck.


Thanks for your prompt response. I understand what you are saying from a keyword hype point of view but I think I am able to become more factual on my descriptions.
However, I am a bit confused about what you refer to as the title. Normally in a website development I would use the title as a short description prime keyword placement area. I understand that for the ODP that is not the case. Do you consider the title to be the name of the company/product and then an accurate description of the site would go on the description area? :confused:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I can understand your confusion: Looksmart, for instance, uses the other scheme. But our title is just a title: company name for most commercial sites, person name for most personality sites. When I review a Looksmart-style submittal, I usually start by deleting the submitted description and moving the keyword-list from the title to the description. This often gives something very close to a conforming listing.
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