editor for fitness category


Nov 15, 2005
I have submitted several times to the directory with no luck.

My initial submission was to the fitness category and personal trainer Florida subcategory. After that I submitted to the fitness/shopping/equipment subcategory and still no luck. My first submission was some 8 months ago.

Can someone tell me if there is even an active editor for this section? I ask because I see very little activity in this category and there is a message to volunteer in the footer of the page.

I have considered volunteering myself just to get the ball rolling but my seo has mentioned that the likelihood of being chosen is slim.

Please help as I am convinced my site is worthy of a listing in the directory.



Jun 8, 2005
Your questions about how long it takes for a suggestion to be reviewed and what happens if there is no editor for the category are answered in the FAQ.

If the reasons you want to apply to edit a category is that you want to build the category and add quality sites, then by all means apply in fitness or for your hometown - as long as the category you request has less than 50 sites, it's typically appropriate for a new editor. However, if your sole purpose in applying to be an editor is to list your own site - then I wouldn't bother with the application.

The likelihood of being accepted is only slim if your application contains errors or is incomplete, you fail to list your affiliations, and/or your purpose is not to help build the directory.

Added - oh and stop suggesting the site please. Once is enough, twice is more than enough.


Nov 15, 2005
lmocr, I apreciate the response, but surely 8 months is a tad long to wait for a listing.

I have listed in other well respected human edited "paid directories" and they have credited me with an excellent rating.

While it is not my motivation to become an editor for the sole purpose of getting listed can you tell me if there is in fact an active editor of this category?


Apr 15, 2003
... but surely 8 months is a tad long to wait for a listing.
If you in fact read the FAQ page, that question is answered there

I have listed in other well respected human edited "paid directories" and they have credited me with an excellent rating.
I'm not sure what relevance that has, since we do not review sites based on anything except looking at the sites. Site awards, Google ranks, etc. have no meaning.

can you tell me if there is in fact an active editor of this category?
No, I'm sorry we can't, since there is no way of measuring what that is, does it mean there is a single editor who reviews at least 10 sites a day in that category, or does it mean there are a number of editors, who add at least one site a month?

If the question was well defined, we could in theory spend some time analyzing the editing logs, to see who was doing what, but in fact it's meaningless in predicting future performance. If for example, there are 300 sites waiting to be reviewed, it could be that your site will be the next one to be reviewed, or it could be last. If the editor has been reviewing 10 sites a week for the last month, it again predicts nothing, the editor might get totally bored with editing that category tonigh, and do something else for the next six months. Then again a group of editors might decide to hold a contest to see how many of those sites can get edited next weekend, and review them all.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There's no need to wait. And there's no need to lobby. Neither make the pot boil faster.


Aug 2, 2002
surely 8 months is a tad long to wait for a listing
If we were a listing service for webmasters you would certainly have a point. But we are absolutely not a service for webmasters period. Think of yourself as having made a speculative bid to supply information to our users by suggesting your site.
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