Editor has viewed my site, how long now to wait


Mar 5, 2007
Hi All :) ,
Have had my website reviewed by dmoz editor and was wondering how long it takes after it has been viewed before it may get listed. The reason I know its been viewed is it showed on my website stats 2 days ago. I tried a search on dmoz and its still not on yet, I suggested the site about 7 weeks ago for those wondering how long it takes to get reviewed. Is there a next stage before it gets listed or am I being to hopeful at this stage?



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There are many possible next stages. Most often, of course, is for the editor to decide the suggestion was like 90% of all suggestions (that is, not useful) and delete it.

But the next step might be to do nothing -- leave it to be helpful to someone else, because it wasn't helpful for whatever THIS editor was doing.

Or ... decide there's too much there to consider now, and put it off till later.

Or ... decide to consider the site in some other category (either now, or at some indefinite future time)

Or ... do some research and decide to list some other sites instead.

Or ... "greenbust" the site, meaning "I think it should be listed here but a more experienced editor has to approve it.

Or ... just list the site.

(The process isn't geared about processing suggestions, it's geared around finding good sites to list. Anything is all right to do with a suggestion, EXCEPT throw it away when it might be useful to someone else. And anytime is a good time to do it.)


Mar 5, 2007
Hi Hutcheson From Down under:) ,
Wow thanks for the quick reply, sounds like I have to keep my fingers crossed on this one. If the site is 1-3 on page one of most major search engines, would this give me a better chance of getting listed?
I have only had the site running for 2 1/2 months and is already very popular.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>If the site is 1-3 on page one of most major search engines, would this give me a better chance of getting listed?

Of getting FOUND by an editor searching for sites by that keyword set, perhaps. (The question then reduces to, how likely is an experienced web surfer to think users need more of that kind of content and use that keyword set looking for it? Most SERP perps focus on queries that no creature with aspirations to neurological activity would use anyway.)

But once the site is found and being reviewed, its content is all that matters.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.