Editor Priveleges Revoked - with no explanation!



A few months ago I had my editor priveleges removed without warning or explanation. My editor name was "gridkid".

I have contacted various editors trying to find out why I was removed, and have not recieved a response.

I had been an editor for years at DMOZ and was extrmely suprised and disapointed that despite the many hours I contributed to DMOZ, I have not even been offered an explanation as to why I have been removed.

I would really appreciate somebody taking a couple of minutes to explain this to me, as it is very distressing to be dismissed without warning or reason!

Please let me know, if only to stop me wondering!



Re: Editor Priveleges Revoked - with no explanatio

I am aware of the reasons why editors are removed, thank you.

However I am still not clear which of the rules I am supposed to have broken!

I would really appreciate it if someone could expressly tell me what rules I have violated.

At least that way I will be able to edit other directories in a more appropriate manner.

C'mmon all I asking for is five minutes help which is nothing compared to the weeks I have spent working for dmoz.

PLEASE! <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Editor Priveleges Revoked - with no explanation

For KC,

Just out of interest:
Editor removal explained by Arlarson
Despite rumors to the contrary, removals are not arbitrary and do not follow from having simple disagreements with metas or even staff. Removal decisions are taken very seriously by all involved. Removal follows from serious abuse, persistently bad editing, or inability to function in a community of editors.
- Arlarson
My questions when reading gridkid's comment?
Was everyone involved? (including the editor concerned)
Was there a case as mentioned in the article?



Re: Editor Priveleges Revoked - with no explanation

It certainly was not discussed with me, I just went to log in one day and was locked out...

Since you say that:

"Despite rumors to the contrary, removals are not arbitrary and do not follow from having simple disagreements with metas or even staff. "

Surely it is not unreasonable of me to want to find out why I have been removed.

This really irks me as I don't believe I flouted the rules...

C'mon guys! <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Apr 1, 2002
Re: Editor Priveleges Revoked - with no explanation

In case you haven't seen it (I don't remember if it was in place when your login was removed) - this is the message currently given to removed editors when they try to log in:
Your login was deactivated for one or more of the following reasons:
  • Repeated failure to comply with the Open Directory community's editorial guidelines and policies.
  • Continuous poor and/or abusive editing.
  • Self-promotion and biased editing, including, but not limited to, cooling your own site, title or description manipulation, unfairly editing your own sites or those with which you are affiliated.
  • Unfairly tampering with competitors' listings and submissions.
  • Inability to function well within the Open Directory community.
  • Uncivil and intentionally disruptive behaviour.
  • Violation of Open Directory forum and e-mail privacy.
  • Spamming the directory. [/list:u]We do not disclose the specific details of login removals. However, the decision to deactivate your login was made by consensus of the meta community, and thoroughly reviewed by DMOZ staff to ensure that our decision was appropriate and warranted. Our decision to remove your login is final. Removed logins will not be reinstated, and you will not be granted a new login. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.


Re: Editor Priveleges Revoked - with no explanation

Well I guess thats the best I am gonna get!

Not much considering how many hours I put into the project, I wish you luck, you will need it!

I guess this is par for the course - <img src="/images/icons/mad.gif" alt="" />


Re: Editor Priveleges Revoked - with no explanation

gridkid, the same thing happened to a member of my family. He tried to log in, then found out his account had been closed. No warning, no discussion and no explanation. Even worse, when we wrote to staff to try and find out the reason (a polite email, btw), we received no reply. That's just plain rude, in my books.

I am still an editor, but this whole experience has left a bad taste in my mouth. DMOZ: the world's largest human powered directory, run by people who seem to have forgotten that other humans have feelings. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Re: Editor Priveleges Revoked - with no explanatio

There was indeed explination given to him. Your posts in the internal forums are being answered, no need to discuss this here was well.
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