Editor reinstatement query


New Member
Dec 12, 2010
I was the editor of Business/Financial_Services/Freelancer-Contractor_Services/United_Kingdom/

I haven’t been able to login to edit for some time. I did complete an editor reinstatement request about six months back, but didn’t receive a response so I thought I would try again and submitted another one in October. I received an email confirmation (17th October) but never heard whether I was to be reinstated or not.

I admit there was a period where I did not login and edit as I was suffering a bit of depression due to the sudden death of my mother. Fortunately I’m a bit stronger now and have returned to work.

As I said in my initial application, I work in the IT sector as a C++ programmer developing software. As an IT contractor I regularly use the services of companies who provide payroll and other financial services to freelancers. I feel it is a subject area in which I have considerable knowledge and experience.

I note there is still no editor for this category and I'm still keen to continue. I’d like to return to editing and would appreciate having my account reinstated. My login username was ashlaura.

Many thanks

Laura Ash


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
The meta community has decided that none of your editor accounts will be reinstated. We wish you well in your endeavours elsewhere.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.