Editor - Response?



I emailed the editor "neilinder" of "Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Financial Services"

To query a submission in the category below.


I can say that some editors do an amazing job on the ODP! I am concerned as to whether the activity of editors is recorded? it seems editors particularly ones who post here are active, and the others (in this case "neilinder") are as not.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Discussions of specific editors are not appropriate to this forum. But I can give the following generic answers:

(1) Most editors do not answer emails from submitters, especially when it has to do with submission status (I certainly rarely do), though many editors may point submitters to this forum.
(2) The fact that your site hasn't been reviewed yet is no indication of any editor's level of activity in the directory as a whole.
(3) Editors are not required to maintain a minimum level of activity beyond that required to keep them from timing out.

If you're looking for the status of your site, I'd suggest you post your query in the Submission Status Request forum here.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.