Editor Status not listed in assigned Category




I can log-in as an editor to the category I am assigned no problem. But when I look at this category through DMOZ.com or DMOZ.org it lists no current editor.

I was accepted as a volunteer editor about 2 weeks ago and have made a few additons and edits, 2 in particular are now not showing up within the category.

Can someone please explain this to me and help me out? <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Mar 25, 2002
I'm guessing that it all has to do with the upgrade - maybe the public-side pages are not getting updated as regularly as usual. I can't even get in to anything this morning. I wouldn't worry too much, though - as long as you can still edit, things will catch up, sooner or later. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

(and you might want to get your status on this board changed over to "editor" - go to the Members forum and find the thread title "Member to Editor")

OK, now I got caught up with what's going on, I know more - the public side has been put up on a separate set of machines while a major chunk of the upgrade is happenning - this data is from the last backup, and is no longer getting updated from the edit side. As soon as things get completed, the connection will be made again, and things will get up to date. Hope this helps.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.