Editor Submission Question


Feb 1, 2007

I just wanted to ask a quick question about submitting to become an editor. I recently submitted and application (today in fact), and I submitted to a category that has 139 sites currently in it. I have read that most would be editors are encouraged to find a category with less than 100 sites. The category I would like to edit is Computers>Computer and Technology Law which currently has no editors, and while has a bit more sites than usually assigned to new editors I would really like to edit this category. I am working toward an eventual law degree and hopefully quite a bit of work with the EFF. I really love technology and the emerging laws that govern it.

To get to the point, I was wondering: is the "100 or less sites" rule more of a flexible guideline, or set in stone?

If you need it my would be editor name is darkazrael and I submitted my application earlier today.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and also for reviewing my application when time allows. :)


Curlie Meta
Curlie Meta
Jun 25, 2004
Massachusetts, USA
A category of over 100 sites could be approved for a new editor, but it would need to be an exceptional application.

The "under 100" site guideline is in place for many good reasons not least of which is to allow a new editor the chance to become familiar with the workings of the directory and the functions of editing without causing too much damage in the process. :)

There is also a good chance that the Meta editor who ends up reviewing your application will never see this post as not all editors visit this forum.

If the application is denied, just take on the advice given and try again with a smaller category (possibly one of the subcategories in your category of choice). After gaining some editing experience in a smaller category it is then possible to apply for a larger one.

Good luck.
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