Editors Conduct


Oct 16, 2004
This topic seems to be appropriate. Why was a site that was listed in DMOZ removed? Before I mention the website. It was listed in ODP and after this person came to my defense on why my website wasnt listed. All of a sudden his website was removed from ODP. Since there was questions raised about content and submission he joined the thread and responded to the editors that questioned the website. For this, his website gets removed.

To this day my website hasnt been added to ODP and I challenge any editor to show it isnt unique content. I wrote all the content myself and never used any article or published information to write this content. If I have been published on the internet in google news, yahoo news and several other news wires then I am positive my content should be unique enough for ODP. I have even scan my website with a copy content scanner that checks the internet for copied content. My website is las-vegas-homefinder ( Dot ) com

Back to the issue at hand. I would like to know why this person that came to my defense pertaining to my site submission was removed. This person was an editall for ODP so I am almost 100% positive that it wasnt a submission mistake. Only after he came to my defense a day later his website was removed from ODP.

Can anyone explain? The website is www. vegas4sale (dot) com

I would appreciate a response.


Oct 16, 2004
Yes I understand that the last website I mentioned vegas4sale doesnt but it was listed in ODP until that person came to my defense on the submission of my website las-vegas-homefinder.

I can not understand how or why he was removed after being approved and showing in the ODP directory. has this directory become so cold that if someone states an opinion that differs from an editors that the editor has to become vindictive against anyone who states an opinion that doesnt sit well with an editor?

His website had nothing to do with my submission and the removal of it was not proper. I would hope that someone would look into this. I believe that if it was removed because of his defense of my submission, whoever that editor that removed his website should be removed as an editor.


Apr 15, 2003
As a general practise ODP tries not to list sites that don't exist - in case you misunderstand what I'm saying - there is no such site. If a site had been listed, and ceases to exist it would be removed.

But in this particular case, I see no evidence it was ever listed in ODP, so I've no idea what you are talking about.

This whole thread is a total waste of resources.


Mar 26, 2002
We do not list websites that do not exist. If a website is listed in the directory and an editor clicks on it and it brings back page not found or the site does not exist it is going to get removed from the directory. We only list existing sites in dmoz.org.

If an editor that removed a site that does not exist from the directory than that editor was doing their job. I hope this clarifies.


Oct 16, 2004
Are you referring www.vegas4sale.net it does exist..lol. That website has a top 10 ranking in google and top 5 in yahoo and MSN. It does exist. I do not understand how you can say it doesnt exist.

To respond to Bobcat. This website was listed in ODP. I saw it their as it was listed as All Pro Realty or something to that effect. The day the owner of that website came to my defense on this forum, his website was removed the next day when I was scanning the listings in ODP for new directory listings.

The website in question I know was their because it was the very first site listed for his cat.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Oh, THAT website. It exists, it was listed, and it was removed. It apparently didn't meet the listing requirements: but more importantly for your purposes, it was obvious from the description -- first time someone reviewed the category as a whole -- that it needed to be re-reviewed. It was the sort of thing that jumps up and down begging for attention...

On the other hand, I know of no reason to suppose that it had anything to do with anyone that posted in the thread. I have no reason even to suspect that the editor involved had even read the thread.


Mar 26, 2002
It appears the site was mislisted in Real Estate Agents as the site is for an agency (so it goes in Agencies) so it is in the process of being sorted. However, this can take a while, actually it will probably have to be reviewed again.

At this time the site has not been banned and the webmaster is not being punished for speaking up for you - at least not that I can see.


Oct 16, 2004
What actions. I made a mistake.You make it sound as if I was trying to do this on purpose. I went back and proof read the first post. I am truly sorry I forgot you are an editor and you dont make mistakes. I did go back and edit the last post because I saw the mistake I made on the first post of the thread when Bobcat said thanks for wasting his time.

I do not appreciate your attitude but this is what most have come to expect from some editors within ODP. Hence the reason a GOOD guy had his website removed from ODP after he came to my defense on a submission.

You may not wish to do anything, but this only shows that you cross an editor or dispute anything an editor says and they will use the power they have to unlist your website in their directory. Power is not respect. So dont confuse it.

As MSN launches their new search engine, dmoz days are limited anyway. Then what do all those that are power hungry do. I guess find real jobs.

Yes I lash out at those who lash at me.


Oct 16, 2004
hutcheson said:
Oh, THAT website. It exists, it was listed, and it was removed. It apparently didn't meet the listing requirements: but more importantly for your purposes, it was obvious from the description -- first time someone reviewed the category as a whole -- that it needed to be re-reviewed. It was the sort of thing that jumps up and down begging for attention...

On the other hand, I know of no reason to suppose that it had anything to do with anyone that posted in the thread. I have no reason even to suspect that the editor involved had even read the thread.

LOL the owner of that site was an editall when you were new to ODP Hutch. I am sure he knows the guidelines better than you. Why do you feel the need to always make the statement, IT DOESNT MEET GUIDELINES when you cant give a legit reason as for why it was removed. I find that toooooo funnnny. I have read throug your guidelines and I have seen no reason why my website or his would not be included, other than because nether of us would put up with your statements on the other thread and questioned you and your so called editor position.

Hutch I made over 500k last year,your preceived power that you have doesnt mean anything to me. I make this income whether I am listed in ODP or not. As much as I believe a ODP listing would help, I know it isnt required to get listed in google. Now that googles days are numbered ODP becomes less important and so does your position. Stats from my logs already show over the last 2 months that Yahoo and MSN combine hold a 2 to 1 ratio over google. Conversion rates are better from MSN and Yahoo than google as well. So I see ODP becoming less important IMO. I just think it is SAD that you use your power to hurt a really good guy that doesnt deserve it with the website that this thread was about.

I guess these are my opinions but I am not like most others who might kiss your backside to get listed. I have been around the block plenty and I know the signs of someone who is engulfed in preceived power this in no means is RESPECT. This is not to say that every editor is this way, but by far Hutch, you seem to be one of the worse.

I would also like to conclude by education I am an attorney, by profession I am a Realtor. As I stated in another thread, I believe by you listing those real estate sites in your directories discriptions as Realtors and not verifying them as such. The National Association of Realtors may have a problem with this and thus you may end up having to go back through your directory and replace all those discriptions.

You stick by your guidelines so therefore you should be held to guidelines.


Oct 16, 2004
thehelper said:
It appears the site was mislisted in Real Estate Agents as the site is for an agency (so it goes in Agencies) so it is in the process of being sorted. However, this can take a while, actually it will probably have to be reviewed again.

At this time the site has not been banned and the webmaster is not being punished for speaking up for you - at least not that I can see.

It is not an agency, it is an agent site as it was listed and submitted.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, I can see where some of the confusion came from. No problem, just have your friend resubmit the site when he's got it back up to the current ODP guidelines.


Sep 1, 2004
General Note:

Editors review sites without any need to check up here or anywhere else on the background of the submitter or the site owner. For a start the level of editor participation in R-Z isn't that great. Editors review sites based on content.


Oct 16, 2004
I am sure he will..lol. The website meets ODP guidelines, unless those are floating guidelines. As I stated you seem to use those guidelines as a shield for your own protection, when you cant give a legit reason.

Guidelines are just like laws, interpretations will vary and can be presented in any form to fit any appropriate action. You seem to use those interpretations to fit whatever purpose you deem appropriate.


Oct 16, 2004
jgwright said:
General Note:

Editors review sites without any need to check up here or anywhere else on the background of the submitter or the site owner. For a start the level of editor participation in R-Z isn't that great. Editors review sites based on content.

Well I personally find it contradicting to say editors review websites based on content being important for a listing, when google must find this website important for a listing in their natural results on the first page because of its content, as well as msn, yahoo and several other search engines, which all are not inbound link based.

Editors dont need to check up on the backgrounds of submitters, but I know that your community of editors are very close and you have your own outlet as an editor to communicate to other editors. Thus I am positive that if a editall suggested they dont care for someone that this could cause certain websites to not be listed, no matter if they met guidelines or not.

It is only human nature to take up for your co-workers. As I stated before , you have your guidelines and use them to your own benefit. Well I see your directory not following guidelines I know exist with NAR , so I feel the need since guidelines are so important to ODP, to report the directory to NAR for my interpretations of NAR regulations.

I appreciate the comments. I have grown weary of this subject because I know that nothing will be done about this injustice. Thank you to all those editors that truly do care and I wish you well. To all those that use the ODP guidelines to serve your own needs, well I am sure once google loses its market share, you may have time to reflect on your experiences here more.
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