Editors Visited Site But Then NADA?


Oct 3, 2008

I have created what I believe to be a quality site with over 100 pages of 100% original content. It is ad free and non-profit and is generally an educational site on the subject of healthy eating. It has an Alexa ranking that has stabilised at between 360,000 and 450,000. My home page has a Google rank of 3 and several other pages have page rank of 2. I have been accepted in several reputable paying directories such as Yahoo and Joe Ant and many others and have not been turned down by any directory. I get regular positive feedback from my readers who love my site and find it useful and unique. I submitted my site to Dmoz last April. In July, I noticed from my 'back-office' stats that Dmoz editors had visited the site. But I heard nothing from the editor in question and I was not included. I resubmitted in August and a week ago I noticed there had been two visits from Dmoz editors. But again, they did not email me and I am not in the directory. I am disappointed to be left wondering like this.:icon_ques I have no way of contacting Dmoz because the mailbox is full and the feedback facility is not working. Also the category I submitted to has no editor listed with an email address. I would be happy to make any small alteration if there is some technicality that has caused them to ignore my site. But they have not contacted me to say why. Can somebody please help. I have put a lot of work into my site and it is difficult to win in the search engines against all the very noisy commercial sites that are there. A Dmoz listing would be very valuable to me and I know of several sites submitted by colleagues along the same theme that do not have the same quality, rankings, page content etc., as mine, but they have been accepted first timeinto Dmoz and got nice emails from editors to tell them. Can some editor please contact me to sort this out as I have no way of contacting you.

Many thanks:)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Can some editor please contact me to sort this out
Short answer: no.

Longer answer: Editors and ODP robots visit websites for all sorts of reasons and you can't reach any conclusions from log entries.

Some volunteer will volunteer to process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Neither can we predict the result. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. Please be patient.

You might like to take a look at this forum's FAQ for more detail. You can work out for yourself whether or not your website is listable by checking it against http://www.dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html


Oct 3, 2008

Thank you very much for your reply, jimnoble. I am wondering, would you mind clarifying for me whether editors will let me know if they have visited my site and decided not to include it in the directory? At the moment, I am left not knowing whether they have rejected me or not. I do fulfill all the site requirements listed in the guidelines. I am wondering if I have unwittingly offended someone by resubmitting, or whether there is something that I could easily remedy if I knew what it was?

It is a requirement of Dmoz that all the sites being submitted have a way of being contacted by their readers, but Dmoz itself is incontactable, which seems to be against its own ethos. Considering the importance the search engines put on a Dmoz listing, I think where there is a genuine case of a good site being overlooked, or excluded, there should be some path whereby I can find out what has happened, and whether I can remedy it, if there is something wrong that I am not aware of. I think because of the high-standing and good reputation that Dmoz has, there is a responsibility that goes along with that to make sure that no unfairness occurs in their procedures, because they do wield considerable power and influence on the net.

It is now 7 months since I first submitted and I genuinely do not understand why I have not been accepted, as I know I have built a quality site, which represents a year's solid work. Other sites in my category have been accepted in half that time. I totally support the aims of Dmoz and have considered applying to become an editor when I have a bit more spare time next year. On my own site, I have a page promoting other good, non-profit high-quality, public-service and charity sites. I support the aims of Dmoz which are extremely worthy, as it helps good content get a lead over all the rubbish and tacky sales sites that clutter up the internet. This is why I am so upset to be just passed over in this fashion and not even have someone email me to say why. I appreciate any further information, or assistance that can be given to me, without of course, violating your own editor guidelines.

Could there possibly be a way of asking the editor/s who viewed my site to contact me and let me know what the status of my application is, and whether there is anything I can alter to allow my site be included?

thank you:)


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
I am wondering, would you mind clarifying for me whether editors will let me know if they have visited my site and decided not to include it in the directory?
No, in general editors won't. We accept your site suggestions, but only as a help for our work to build a directory.

It is a requirement of Dmoz that all the sites being submitted have a way of being contacted by their readers, but Dmoz itself is incontactable, which seems to be against its own ethos.
Not really. Our maibn focus is to build a directory for our users, not to help individual webmaster promote their site. If you want, you can help us by suggesting some sites. If you do so, we request that you tell us how to contact you in case we have further questions.

It is now 7 months since I first submitted and I genuinely do not understand why I have not been accepted
As jim already said: Please check the FAQ. Amongh other things, it contains an explanation that we can't give you _any- timeframe in which your suggestions will be processed. Most likely your suggestion is stuill waiting to be processed, if - as Jim already stated - it is listable at all.

Could there possibly be a way of asking the editor/s who viewed my site to contact me and let me know what the status of my application is, and whether there is anything I can alter to allow my site be included?
No, sorry. I fear to sound a bit boring, but: That's in the FAQ as well, among with some explanation :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I am wondering, would you mind clarifying for me whether editors will let me know if they have visited my site and decided not to include it in the directory?
No mails or other notifications will be send. Not when a site is rejected and not when it is accepted.

> At the moment, I am left not knowing whether they have rejected me or not.
The guidelines we use for rejecting and accepting sites are available for everybody to read. If there is no reason to reject your site and it is not listed it must be waiting review.

> I am wondering if I have unwittingly offended someone by resubmitting,
We are not easily offended. Certainly not with one or a few resubmissions.

> or whether there is something that I could easily remedy if I knew what it was?
From our experience it is almost impossible to change a site that is rejected to make it listable. It would need a complete rework. New (unique) content, totaly new ideas about what the website should be.

> It is a requirement of Dmoz that all the sites being submitted have a way of being contacted by their readers,
I have never heard of such a requirement.

> Considering the importance the search engines put on a Dmoz listing,
SE's don't put importance on a DMOZ listing. That is a myth.

> I think where there is a genuine case of a good site being overlooked,
With the enormous amount of sites on the Internet you can be sure that many sites (probably miljons) are not looked at yet.

> or excluded,
From the DMOZ guidelines "a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion."

> there should be some path whereby I can find out what has happened,
We tried this and it just did not work
> and whether I can remedy it, if there is something wrong that I am not aware of.
A site is either listable or not. There is nothing that can be done wrong by you. You create the website for you and your visitors. That is good. DMOZ decides if it will include the site or. That is good. Sometimes these two match sometimes they don't. That is also good.

> because they do wield considerable power and influence on the net.
That is a myth and untrue.

> It is now 7 months since I first submitted and I genuinely do not understand why I have not been accepted,
Most probably because it is not reviewed yet. In some cases time between suggestion and review can be several years.

> I appreciate any further information, or assistance that can be given to me, without of course, violating your own editor guidelines.
There is no assistance to be given. We handle all suggestions in the same way. No prefered assisitance to anybody.
Information. Everything is already publicy available.

> Could there possibly be a way of asking the editor/s who viewed my site to contact me and let me know what the status of my application is,
No. There is not.
> and whether there is anything I can alter to allow my site be included?
already answered


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Let me make a general comment here, not aimed at anybody in particular.

Website owners who ignore our submission guidelines and suggest their websites to lots of different categories are spammers. They cause extra work for our volunteers which in turn slows the process down for everybody else. Folks who persist with such selfish behaviour risk having their websites banned from being listed in our directory.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.