Edtior Application Status ?

Can someone check my application status!

Some weeks age I signed in as sorton345!

Thanks in advance!

here is aq link to the category i sign in: web page


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
Re: Editor Application Status ?

The time for any particular application to get processed varies from a few minutes to a few weeks. Sometimes the queue is very short sometimes it is rather long.

The reasons for this are
  • We get a lot of applications
  • The applications are not always processed in the order that they are received as many metas concentrate on certain parts of the directory and will leave applications in areas they are not so familiar with.
  • Applications are in various languages and need to be processed by metas who understand the language. For instance your application is in German and only a handful of metas speak that language.
  • Most of the applications are processed by volunteer editors who have jobs, families and a life. This means that the number of people who are available to spend time working on the New Application queue varies. [/list:u]
    The two weeks that you have been waiting is probably longer than average.


Mar 28, 2002
Re: Editor Application Status ?

I just took a look at your application, but I can't review it because I don't speak German, nor can dozens of other metas who normally would have reviewed it by now. It looks like we currently have about seven meta-editors fluent in German, and the time to review obviously can be a bit more varied with only seven people able to review your application rather than over 100.
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