Education sites categories, help please.



:question: Hello, I have 2 online content resources and advice sites that I submitted 3 times in the last 3 years, they have not been included and I would like to know if I'm doing something wrong or what is the status of the submission. As you can see both sites offer valuable content and they are both free resources one dynamic and the other one html based can you please help me? Thank you


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
These are in no way informational sites, they are pure promotional. Do you think editors can't tell that?

Please read the ODP guidelines, which will tell you why we won't ever list these kind of sites, no matter how many different names you have for them. (hint: insufficient unique content of the kind that we list.)

Also please read the Forum guidelines, which will explain why we can't tell you whether or not we've yet reviewed and rejected them (hint: insufficient information of the kind that we need). All we can say is, whenever we review them, they will be rejected.


Hello, can you please tell me what categories can I apply for? The sites have the same type of content than and and they have thousands of links included, where I can fit mine? Thank you.


Mar 25, 2002
hutcheson told you in the previous post that the site is not listable in any category. Therefore there is none you can submit the site to which will result in a listing.

I would suggest that, since the ODP does not list sites of this type, you use your energies to find other ways to promote your site. Thanks.


:shocked: Wow!! my sites and are promotional? Promotional of what type please explain. is 90% tips, tutorials and advice and the few links to buy "related" books and some other products or services generate only enough to pay for the hosting which I think is necessary to keep adding valuable content to these sites. I can easily list a dozen sites included in the dmoz directory which are pop-up window heavens, send annoying spam and have more ads than content. I have been waiting patiently for now years because I don't know how the classification works at dmoz and I feel is a respected internet resource ( like my 2 sites ) but now I'm totally confused and I really want to know why is "promotional" a crime apparently commited by me and my editors which have work hard to build these learning resources. Please exmplain why are the 2 sites not included, why do they have or not have to become additions to the dmoz directory. I'm an active participant of tutorials in different forums and I just happen to ask a question have returned very shocking answers. Please help me to understand teh mistakes we have made with our 2 sites; I'll be looking forward to your kind reply. Thank you.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There seems to be a language barrier here, but what we mean by "promotional" is epitomized by these two sites. If you know of other sites like these listed in the ODP, please report them in our "Report Abuse" forum.


I really expected to see an answer to indicate why my 2 sites are not considered to be included. As an active member of many webmaster forums me and my webmaster fellows would like to know what does not fit your criteria but instead fits into the "promotional" category. All sites are somehow promotional, as a matter of fact, some sites like, and have the same type of informative content and also a lot more focused on ads, pop-ups, emails and banners. Many people visit our sites to learn about different subjects, we plan to add more topics in the next couple of months. I have always respected and considered the directory and for many online publishers be listed here is a great step ahead; it is a reward to be considered and included as part of the great resource of sites listed. Many people now feels that pay per click, per inclusion and banner minimizes the importance of the directory but many like myself work hard everyday to be recognized one day or at least to be told what went wrong so I can take the necessary direction; many of my friends would like know your answers as well. I may have made a mistake for waiting 3 years without response, for applying to the wrong category or for finally asking for the reason why our 2 sites are not included; but I don't think I have made a mistake for trying to define a valuable information resource, which is our contribution to the already confusing internet. Since the is made and used by the people and me one of them I really would like to be listed in one of the appropriate categories; if you can be so kind to direct me in how to achieve my goal I will be glad to take any step to be listed. If for some reason you think our sites are offensive or "promote" something inappropriate I would like to also know it please; I will be looking forward to your reply. Thank you


Mar 26, 2002
I am sorry but we do not get into specifics in these forums. As you are aware, there are many other ways that you can promote your website. Pursue those. Please understand that just because your sites do not qualify for a listing in does make them bad sites. It is not our place to judge that. The only thing we do is judge whether or not the sites fit within the guidelines we have about site selection criteria. In this case the editors that have looked at the sites (including me) have deemed that they do not meet our criteria. Sorry :(


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You should readjust your expectations based on the constraints in this forum's policies and guidelines.
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