Error submitting changes to description of site.


Apr 19, 2004
Hi, my name is Ed Teune. I am Manager of Business Applications at Apropos Technology ( I was trying to update our listing in ODP. We are listed under Business/Major_Companies/Publicly_Traded/A/. But when I submitted the changes I got: "Bad category You may not submit your site to this category."

I went to:
I clicked on Update URL, it takes me to this page:
I enter the URL, it takes me to this page which contains my web sites description
I entered the new description clicked on submit and got the error:
"Bad category You may not submit your site to this category."

Here is the new description I am trying to use:
Develops, markets, and supports software to manage call center communications – voice, email, web, and fax.

Please help me, our new site goes up in a week and I have been receiving the same error for over a month. I am getting desperate and am looking into finding the physical location of where the ODP servers are to correct the situation! ;)

thanks in advance.
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