Ethical submissions



The last time I did my homework in this forum before making any submission. I was glad I did.

Since ethics regarding site submissions is crucial with the ODP, I thought to ask about a specific situation before moving forward with submitting my client's site. Although it may initially seem so, this post is NOT about search engine placement. Rather, it is as regards an appropriate and ethical submission that would adhere to ODP editiorial guidelines.

There is already a listing for my client Jane Poovey Real Estate.

The commerce of the Northeast Alabama area in which we live is centered around a man-made lake, called Weiss Lake. My client, and likewise her competitors, have learned that utilizing the phrase "Weiss Lake" or any reasonably similar term(s) in Meta Tags have given them certain placement advantages. There is one locally competing site, Weiss Lake Realty , whom I also represent as webmaster. Obviously, a domain name of this sort is distinctly advantageous in terms of placement.

Yet, the main issue is how to walk this precarious tight rope. Jane Poovey Real Estate has procurred the domain They did so in order to theoretically improve their placement potential. The difficulty is that what seems simple to them is apparently a bit sticky when getting to the ODP submission phase.

I have explained that mirror sites and redirection sites are normally approved by those editors that approve submissions. Resultantly, I asked her to consider having the new domain hosted separately. The idea here is to eliminate any remaining issues as regards mirrors or redirections.

Having said all that, here is the question. If I build a site for this client, which highlights the local region as it pertains to Weiss Lake and its many ativities, that would not be an ethical conflict by itself, correct? Yet, if in the language of the site there exist several hyperlinks to the -let's call it parent- Jane Poovey Real Estate site, will that be considered bait and switch?

Please advise. So far by using the ethics employed by the ODP, I have had no real issues stemming from my local clients' sites. But this one is pretty tough. For a change, there may finally be arriving an opporunity for us all to benefit from a specific forum topic of this nature. By that I mean that it gives me, at least, a hope of staying out of hot water by complying with editorial ethics as opposed to perhaps complaining about them.

Thank you,

Max Richey


Mar 25, 2002
Well, I'm glad you asked before doing anything. :)

As I'm sure you can imagine, Real Estate is a hot topic - internet presence seems to be a high priority for them.

So first let me direct you to some further reading:

that should answer a lot of the questions.

The general rule is that the business will get ONE listing. The name of the listing will be the official, registered name of the Business. It will be listed in the locality where the business has an office. If it's not clear from the web site what the location is, then the situation becomes decidedly more sticky. It doesn't matter who hosts it.

If you really need this client to make this other domain their "main" domain, for whatever reasons, then you need to develop the new domain, and effectively shut down the old one, by having it redirect to the new domain. Then submit an Update URL request on the old domain to change the URL.

Hope this makes sense.
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