Everyone asks "why am I not listed?" duh


Nov 8, 2004
My Site, <url removed>
<urls removed>

Was submitted to DMOZ a very long time ago as seen @


And when people search for my site, these forums even show up in the search result.

<url removed>
Which is not fare at all... why should people come to your site becasue of ME, when the DMOZ has never linked me.

Why havn't I been listed, Why can't you tell me why I havn't been listed. Why is everyone in these forums so unhelpfull? Shouldn't you just close these forums, all they do is make people more upset.

I'm going to post and repost messages just like these every month untill one of your non-paid editors adds me to the directory.


Apr 15, 2003
Making threats is a good way to get yourself permanently banned and a flag put on your site so that it will never get listed.

And no one is going to be searching for your site URL, if they know it they go to it, so who cares if it's listed here.


Nov 8, 2004
Ah, where was a threat? I just said that I was persistant. I love the DMOZ :eek:

My site gets 50,000 unique IPs per day with over 700,000 page views per day.

<url removed>


Apr 15, 2003
I'm going to post and repost messages just like these every month untill one of your non-paid editors adds me to the directory.
Is a threat.

You have been told previously we don't do status requests and your other posts were moved to archive for that reason.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
sambeckett said:
Why havn't I been listed, Why can't you tell me why I havn't been listed.
Ofcourse we can tell. And have done over and over again to may people.
There are 2 possible reasons.
1) the site isn't reviewed yet
2) the site isn't listable
You can check yourself if it is not listable (see http://dmoz.org/add.html and http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#notinclude ).

sambeckett said:
Why is everyone in these forums so unhelpfull? Shouldn't you just close these forums, all they do is make people more upset.
Why are people upset about something we don't deliver. If you go to the butcher will you get upset because he doesn't sell carrots.

sambeckett said:
I'm going to post and repost messages just like these every month untill one of your non-paid editors adds me to the directory.
Posting at R-Z will have totaly no influence on the reviewing proces. Most editors don't even read this forum. The only thing that could happen is that you get banned from R-Z.


Sep 11, 2003
sambeckett said:
My site gets 50,000 unique IPs per day with over 700,000 page views per day.

With statistics like that I am confused as to why you seem that bothered about a listing. You are clearly pleased about your results without a listing.... so I see no reason for all the fuss.

Heres a deal for you. You work on pleasing your visitors by contributing to your site.... and we will work on pleasing our users by contributing to our site. Everyones a winner!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'm going to post and repost messages just like these every month untill one of your non-paid editors adds me to the directory.
Let me be very clear here. If you do that, you will be banned from this forum.


Mar 18, 2004
bobrat said:
Making threats is a good way to get yourself permanently banned and a flag put on your site so that it will never get listed.

I also do not like people who threat dmoz editors....or anyone in genral. But I can understand people that are angry at dmoz and I think DMOZ editors should be unbiassed and only care about the website and categories even if their webmasters are a...holes. ;-)

It is the same with the police, they have laws and rules to follow and need to treat every person the same, no matter how they behave. DMOZ is supposed to be a categorised directory of websites not a directory of websites that belong to DMOZ editors&friends.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
We understand peoples frustration and have tried through the ODP Reports to provide information to explain what is going on in the ODP. As you can see listing sites is only one part of the tasks required to make the ODP what it is.

The suggestion that the ODP might be a 'directory of websites that belong to DMOZ editors&friends' does show a lack of an understanding of the philosopy behind the ODP. You might like to browse some of the recent 'Becoming an Editor' threads.



Mar 18, 2004
Eric-the-Bun said:
We understand peoples frustration and have tried through the ODP Reports to provide information to explain what is going on in the ODP. As you can see listing sites is only one part of the tasks required to make the ODP what it is.

The suggestion that the ODP might be a 'directory of websites that belong to DMOZ editors&friends' does show a lack of an understanding of the philosopy behind the ODP. You might like to browse some of the recent 'Becoming an Editor' threads.


I am only referring to those DMOZ categories squatted by the DMOZ Mafia


Mar 18, 2004
ODP button

Where is the DMOZ form that lets you submit your website URL
to query that?

"Why has my website blablabla.com not been added?"

and that will give you feedback within 1 week?

There is also no way to legally force a website to be added....which would be possible to if DMOZ was run the same way as the domain name organizations (e.g. eu domains)

You could achieve that .... you just need to build a proper non-profi organization that is funded by search engines using DMOZ data and by webmaster adding websites.


May 26, 2002
Let's explore the "all the sites belong to editors" theory.

We know that there have been 80 000 editors since the directory started.

Say, they all added their own site and that of a friend. So, 160 000 belong to editors.

Who owns the other 6 million that are listed then?


Mar 18, 2004
giz said:
Let's explore the "all the sites belong to editors" theory.

We know that there have been 80 000 editors since the directory started.

Say, they all added their own site and that of a friend. So, 160 000 belong to editors.

Who owns the other 6 million that are listed then?

If you only look at the categories where billions of dollars are involved, there are not that many websites/categories.

I am not talking about websites about extinguished birds within some archaeology category....I mean the categories with only a few website that make lots of money.....with credit cards, insurances, classifieds, sex,online dating or cars....or in general website that sell services or things like car parts, fonts, hardware, software......where every 20th visitors is going to spend lots of money.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Where is the DMOZ form that lets you submit your website URL
to query that?

"Why has my website blablabla.com not been added?"

and that will give you feedback within 1 week?
There are good reasons why there is no such system. It was discussed in this forum as recently as yesterday, so you'll forgive us for not starting the same discussion all over again.

There is also no way to legally force a website to be added..
Good heavens no, I should think not. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why any system like that should be implemented. I can't think of any way it would benefit the directory, and many ways it would make it much less useful -- which is not something we're interested in.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
dermotz, you seem to say that you know there is abuse happening in the directory. If you know there is, please report it at http://report-abuse.dmoz.org/
If you don't know there is, please try to find out what the ODP is, because it really doesn't look as if you understand that. To be honest, it looks like you are just generally throwing accusations (such as "the DMOZ Mafia" -- who are they, then?) around because you are frustrated, and that's just really improductive.


Mar 18, 2004
I am sure there is...i also complained earlier...2 years ago. Nothing ever happened. I am really thinking about starting my own project with a slightly different focus then the ODP.

Something like the ODP only works if the data is not downloade-able and if it is used on a single website.

If it wants to provide data for others, it needs to change the focus and try to include a superset of all website so that every RDF dump user can then decide himself which sub-set of the links to use.

It is only about categories - there are far better means to determine the quality then by human editors. You need to look at the trafiic and surfing behaviour....not at the personal opinion of desperate housewifes and the dmoz mafia ;-)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
dermotz said:
I am sure there is...i also complained earlier...2 years ago. Nothing ever happened. I am really thinking about starting my own project with a slightly different focus then the ODP.
That is fine. Nobody at DMOZ will have any problem with the fact that you start another directory.

dermotz said:
Something like the ODP only works if the data is not downloade-able and if it is used on a single website.
As the distribution of data is the essential feature of DMOZ this remark shows you don't understand what DMOZ is about.

dermotz said:
If it wants to provide data for others, it needs to change the focus and try to include a superset of all website so that every RDF dump user can then decide himself which sub-set of the links to use.
Why do we need to chance focus? And chance to what?
Every user of the RDF dump can already decide which set of links to use, and many do so. There is no rule that forces you to use the whole dump.

dermotz said:
It is only about categories - there are far better means to determine the quality then by human editors. You need to look at the trafiic and surfing behaviour....
DMOZ is only interested in the content the websites have to offer. Trafic is of no interest to DMOZ. And surfing behaviour is impossible to measure.

dermotz said:
not at the personal opinion of desperate housewifes and the dmoz mafia ;-)
If you are only here to insult DMOZ editors I would like to ask you to stop posting.


Mar 18, 2004
pvgool said:
That is fine. Nobody at DMOZ will have any problem with the fact that you start another directory.

As the distribution of data is the essential feature of DMOZ this remark shows you don't understand what DMOZ is about.

Why do we need to chance focus? And chance to what?
Every user of the RDF dump can already decide which set of links to use, and many do so. There is no rule that forces you to use the whole dump.

DMOZ is only interested in the content the websites have to offer. Trafic is of no interest to DMOZ. And surfing behaviour is impossible to measure.

If you are only here to insult DMOZ editors I would like to ask you to stop posting.

that is why I put a smilie at the end.... ;-) this means not to take ti too seriously


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
that is why I put a smilie at the end.... ;-) this means not to take ti too seriously
Continually posting about "dmoz mafia" and making other rude comments isn't excusable by saying "I put a smilie at the end".


Mar 18, 2004
there are so many dmoz editors, are you sure there is not a "small" fraction group of DMOZ mafia amongst them? i didnt say the whole dmoz was a mafia sort of organisation...
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