Exact business address not on submitted web site (DMOZ verification)


May 13, 2009
Dear Sir or Madam,

I have looked through the FAQ's regarding this and could not find anything under the terms "business address verification". I have recently submitted my web site for inclusion in the DMOZ directory. I recall reading a post saying that there needs to be a business address for listed sites or at least a way verifying that a business in genuine. My web site does not include me full address and is just missing the house number as it is a residential address and all of my work is mobile. However, I do hold professional memberships for a number of relevant bodies, as per my web site and was wondering if this is acceptable for DMOZ to verify that I am genuine? All of the professional bodies have my full address details etc. and I have to abide by their rules.

Thanks in advance for your time and help.

Kind regards



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
An address adds credibility to a website and so contributes to its listability - but it's not essential.

Within our Regional sections, we list most websites in their localities. Hopefully, we can determine that from the website.


May 13, 2009
Hello Jim,

Thanks for getting back to me and for the information.
Hopefully, my professional association memberships will also help to add some credibility as the professional bodies all require my full address details as part of my membership, though they do not have to display this information. It is also possible to independently verify my memberships via the web sites of the associations.

My business is based in Southern England and it should be easy to establish the specific locality, which is mentioned in the name and on various pages of the web site. Hopefully, one of the volunteers will get a chance to view my web site as some point in the future.

In the meantime, thanks again for your time and help Jim.

Kind regards



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
terry said:
Hopefully, my professional association memberships will also help to add some credibility as the professional bodies all require my full address details as part of my membership, though they do not have to display this information. It is also possible to independently verify my memberships via the web sites of the associations.
We only look at the information available on the website itself. Only in exceptional cases we do some background checking, and those mostly result in a rejection of the website.

My business is based in Southern England and it should be easy to establish the specific locality, which is mentioned in the name and on various pages of the web site.
In Regional sites are listed based on the location of the business. If the location is not avaliable on the website it (in most of the times) can not be listed in Regional. But it might still be listed in a Topical cat.

Hopefully, one of the volunteers will get a chance to view my web site as some point in the future.
This will certainly happen. We just do not know when that point in the future will be. You have done everything you can do and we thank you for suggesting a site to us.


May 13, 2009
Hi pvgool,

Thanks for your input and my site should contain all of the information required by a volunteer editor. Regarding when I volunteer gets chance to look at my site suggestion, I totally understand and had no intention of asking. It is just a shame that more people don't read the threads on the various forums regarding when a submitted web site will get looked at.

Thanks again.

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