Existing URL modified w/out permission


Sep 15, 2005
We had a site in the ODP Directory (for several years) that included the company name as the Title and a pretty decent description. FYI - The company name is very similar to a compeititors.

In May 2005, it appears that an editor modified the URL for this site to another (a competitor). That leaves me with a couple questions:

1. Is there any kind of confirmation through the original submission email address for requested changes?
2. Can we get the URL modified back to ours vs. our competitors?
3. Is there anything in place to protect the rightful owner of a listing from hijacking and/or URL modification?

Looking for help...



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
(1a) No, there's no confirmation involving direct contact, but (1b) the editor should confirm the change on the site itself. I should mention also (1c) there's no reason yet to suppose this change was requested -- the norm is that editors do what they do on their own initiative (and yes, I know this concept is so deeply disturbing to submitters that many simply cannot entertain it even as a remote possibility.)

(2) You can file an "Update URL" request describing what you think happened.

(3) There are no "rightful owners" of listings -- that's not a service we offer. And there's no official procedure to go through (not that any official procedure can't be circumvented or subverted!). The ODP editor picks the URL that (in his judgment) best represents the site while conforming to the constraints/requirements of the ODP itself. There is no reason to suppose that would be the same as what the webmaster prefers. Editors will NEVER under ANY circumstances ask for PERMISSION from webmasters, just like webmasters don't ask us for permission to edit their own sites. But since the ODP listing has to reflect the reality which the webmaster creates, the webmaster can always exercise final say over whether a URL is listed (by invalidating the URL!)

What keeps legitimate sites listed is that we look for editors who care about such things. And so the unofficial procedure that I've repeated many times and many editors explicitly follow is: always check, ON THE SITE, for verification.

You can PM me the URLs involved and the category, and I'll take a look.
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