Experienced editor / Moderator for article review

I am currently in the process of developing an internet marketing website and find myself on the "Web Directory" section. I have already written 2 pages so far regarding the preparation and submission process to Web directories in general. I stress I am not here in this forum to promote or advertise in any way. I genuinely want to get what I've written so far checked over by an experienced editor or a moderator of this forum in order that my content is as accurate and up to date as possible. I haven't even listed my sites url in my profile.

The website is in German, however, being english I upload in english first and have a translator translate it into German. The section is however currently in English for review purposes before I get it translated and published.

This is a genuine attempt to seek advice from the experienced editors amongst you and I would greatly appreciate someone taking the time to check that my content is accurate and more importantly to check to see if I've missed anything of note out. The web site is as yet not open for public viewing and therefore I would rather not post the URL on group. If any experienced editor out there has the time, I'd appreciate them contacting me on icq or send me an email for details of the url. This is a serious attempt to get my content right first time.

Thank you


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Experienced editor / Moderator for article rev

You did post in our German-language forum to request a review of the translated text also, I hope? (Technical language can be surprisingly tricky to translate.)

Re: Experienced editor / Moderator for article rev

Well it isn't translated yet as I want to get at least the english bit right first :/images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif
As soon as it is back from my translator (who happens to know his internet marketing and has done an excellent job up to now) I will ask a German editor to give it the once over.

I've already received positive and helpful feedback from one of the DMOZ editors and I thank him. He picked up that I ommitted to mention about URL redirection / masking through Framesets being no-nos.
Still, if others want to review it they are most welcome. Just send me an email.
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